The three taught by Fatty had already formed cores, and Jian Xing already had the cultivation of Nascent Soul.

Lonemoon felt that it was time to let them go down the mountain and really understand the crisis in this world.

Considering the unhappiness of the last experiential training, Lonemoon decided to bring them himself and drag Shen Ying along.

"Why me again?" She was unhappy.

"Chef hasn't come back yet. Did you think you can survive alone in the sect?" Without anyone to cook for her and watch her, she would either go missing or starve to death at any moment. There was a high likelihood that it was the former.

"Uh..." Should she tell him that Chef actually made spirit birds send over food every once in a while?

"Don't talk nonsense. Off you go." Lonemoon was too lazy to explain to her. He directly dragged her and started walking down the mountain.

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Among the four disciples, three were Fatty's, so Fatty naturally followed the party, taking Mushroom with him. With Fatty watching, Mushroom worked pretty hard at cultivation these years. It had already turned its one tail to five tails. Naturally, she also learned real manifestation, and no longer needed to go around planting mushrooms dragging its tail.

Therefore, the original experiential training for disciples became a trip for the whole sect.

Chapter 522: Meeting Old Acquaintance

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lonemoon dragged Shen Ying and directly rode his sword down the mountain and towards the Immortal Ascension Rock. Strips of paper were pasted densely upon it. Some were old and some were new, on them were all kinds of wishes for help.

Ever since the opening of the mountain to take in disciples last time, mortals often came here. And starting from someone unknown, people pasted all kinds of wishes on there in hopes of asking the immortals for help. They had already used Immortal Ascension Rock as a God Begging Rock. Only that among these paper slips, there were some that seemed to be asking for help regarding troubles from demons.

When Lonemoon went out to dissipate his fortune, he would resolve some on his way when he saw. Slowly, a common practice was formed. Those who really met difficulties would come here despite the long distances, asking for help from immortals.

He glanced at it and saw three red paper strips. He took it down casually. Two of them were quite far. The only closer one required two days of traveling. He gave it a look and decided to take a trip.

So he directly handed the paper strip to Jian Xing and said, "Right in the west, let's go to this place called Quhang City and take a look."

"Yes, Master." Jian Xing nodded and took it. He gave it a look and then handed the paper strip to the other three.

Just when everyone was about to get on their swords, a female voice suddenly came, "Big brother!"

A woman around thirty years old by the looks ran over and looked towards Jian Xing in the middle with her face full of surprise. Her looks were familiar, and there was cultivation on her, only it was just at Qi Refinement.

"Little Lin!" Jian Xing was stunned, and blurted out, "Why are you here?"

Even Fatty was shocked. This person was actually Zhi Lin, Jian Xing's younger sister. Only that her look right now was no longer that of a young girl. She actually looked much older than Jian Xing.

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