Chapter 2

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Note: I'm sorry if this is too short, but I promise the chapters get longer and the plot gets better! This is just the intro.

"What's this?" Gregor asked.

He didn't need to be told what it was. He knew exactly what it was. But he wanted to see how his parents would his parents would try to explain.

"It came in from the shaft in the laundry room about a month ago." his dad began, "We wanted to give it to you, but we hesitated because you were so close to graduating high school. And we didn't want you to have any distractions..."

"Distractions!?" Gregor interrupted, "I've been waiting to hear from the Underland for the past 7 years, thinking about it every single day, laying awake for hours at night, and you didn't want to get me 'distracted'!?

Gregor was absolutely pissed. He went to open the scroll, but his mothers hand grabbed the scroll. She had tears coming out of her eyes.

"Gregor, ever since we came back from that wretched place, all I've wanted is to keep any of us from ever having to go back down there. So when your father found the scroll while doing laundry, I knew I had to hide it from you, but your father insisted we give it to you. So after a long discussion, we finally agreed to give it to you after you graduated." His mother said.

"You're 18 now," his dad added, "this time... This time we cannot stop you from going back. But just know that you're always welcome to come home and we will always love you, regardless of what your decision is."

Gregor looked at them, and finally understood why they hadn't given him the scroll. He looked at the dark brown wooden scroll, and back at his parents. He slowly began to open it, and the read the words so fast they made no sense. He began to reread them more carefully.

Dear Gregor,
I know that many years have passed since your departure, and that you may have long forgotten us, but we need you, now more than ever. The Cutters have crossed our borders and are on their way to attack our fair city. We ask of you to look into your heart and come aid us. We know you will give the Underlanders hope and spirit to fight back. You are our last hope.
Also, the Crawlers have refused to aid us unless the Princess is here to guide them. So we ask of you to bring Boots with you.
Thank you, and if you are unable to come, we understand. Luxa will be most upset about that, but I will try to convince her to forget about you.
With much love,

Gregor kept staring at one line in particular.
'Luxa will be most upset about that."
Did that mean Luxa missed him? Was she waiting for him down there? He stared at the scroll, up until the point where his eyes got tired and he looked up at his parents who were just staring at him.

"You have a lot of explaining to do if you're going to get Boots to go with you." Said his father.

"Yeah, the Princess of the Roaches." Laughed Gregor.

He walked into Boots' room and sat on Lizzie's bed.

"Hey you!" Said Boots

"Hi Princess," answered Gregor, "Can we talk about something?"

"Uhm, yeah I guess." She said, looking confused. At that point Lizzie came in. Boy, had they grown up quick! Lizzie was about to start high school and had the intelligence of a senior in college. She had grown to be tall and thin. Not super thin like when she was 7, but not on the average side either, somewhere in between. She no longer had panic attacks, and made a lot of friends. She became a cheerleader for her middle school and had an enormous list of friends. And Boots, despite the age change, never left the nickname. Of course at school and her friends called her Margaret, but her family still called her Boots. And she was totally fine with it. She maintained her happy and careless personality, and loved everyone and everything.

"Look, I know this is going to sound crazy," Gregor began, "but you're going to have to believe me.

"We're going back, aren't we?" Asked Lizzie, with a nervous, yet happy grin.

"Going where? Gregor, what's going on?" Asked Boots.

Gregor went on to explain how when they were younger, Boots had fallen through the vent in the laundry room and they had gone through many crazy adventures that involved going back and fulfilling prophecies. How Regalia was a beautiful city made of stone. How she'd been named the 'Princess of the Crawlers' and that the crawlers worshipped her as their leader. He told her that without her, the Crawlers wouldn't help the Regalians against their enemies. His parents walked in during the story and held Boots. But she looked surprisingly calm throughout the story, and smiled once in a while, which led Gregor to assume she wasn't believing his story. But when he was finished, he said;

"And that's why we have to back. To help the Regalians one last time. Are you getting any of this, Boots?" He finally asked her.

Her response surprised the entire family. She simply looked Gregor in the eyes, smiled and said
"I knew it wasn't just a dream!"

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