Chapter no. 1 - suspicious...

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Poggers's blanket moved forward. It was a Monday morning and Poggers woke up to the power being out and a yawn along with it.

"Bruh, the gas ran out overnight," Poggers said as he slipped his clothes, a maid outfit that was sitting still on from the mannequin. Poggers opened the door and found the sentries still, not working because of the power outage.

Poggers sighed as he walked downstairs ( ~ 6 floors ). When Poggers arrived at the lobby, he panted. He walked up to the door and opened it. Soon, there was a bright blur in his eyes, blinding him temporarily.

When he opened his eyes, he was amazed.

The Earth was seen in front of him. The forest was green and amazing. The wind danced along his long, golden, vibrant hair as it swayed.

Poggers walked to the farm where we can see two rows of Pumpjacks in position, and a bunch of littered gas cans. Poggers sighed as he picked up the gas cans and threw them away from existence.

"God, is this going to be my routine," Poggers asked himself while filling the Pumpjacks. Once they were filled, Poggers was relieved. "Poggers?"

Poggers looked behind him. A woman with white hair, a beanie, night vision glasses, and a full purple outfit stood behind Poggers with her binoculars. "Oh hi, Layla," Poggers said happily to his co-owner. Both Lay and Poggers both owned a hotel that stood for a neutral zone for the server. It wasn't the first one, though. Lay made one herself individually until Poggers nuked it. She was granted 65% ownership then 50% due to that.

Layla smiled at her co-owner who wore a house cleaner outfit with bright golden hair and grass green eyes. "Hello, Poggers," Layla said, "Filling the Pumpjacks, I see." Poggers nodded. "Aw man, I would've filled them up, but I woke up late," Layla spoke.

Poggers found that funny, somehow.. "Wanna go back to the hotel?" Layla asked. Poggers smiled. "Sure," Poggers replied.

Both Layla and Poggers walked back to the hotel. A man in the hotel was found working. He had black wavy hair that camouflaged through the night and a suit that Layla always assumed to be a casino vest.

"Hey Zay!" Layla says in excitement. Zay was the server owner, in which Layla always called Zay her child while adding that he is adopted to give Zay emotional damage. Zay turned behind him. "Oh hi, Layla," Zay says, "You're up?" Layla giggled. "More like you just woke up," Layla said.

"I've been up," Zay replied. Poggers looked at them both. Poggers felt a gut feeling that manipulated his mind to take it as negative thoughts. Soon enough, Poggers zoned out from reality and saw a different reality appearing in his vision.

You alright, Poggas?" Layla asked in concern, shattering the negative thought of virtual reality or vise versa. Poggers looked up at Layla. "Yea, I'm here, I guess.." Poggers said, awkwardly but in a emo, depressed tone.

"I'm going to go...somewhere.." Poggers says unevenly. Layla looked back at her co-owner. "Ok," Layla replied. Poggers walked back to his room, uncertain to find out what this is all about.

A/n's note:
453 words god lmao- this is longer than I expected to write and more ideas than my other stories I write personally for fun-

For a clarification:
UwU chaos is a server including different people such as Poggers, Stxr/Layla, Zhou Zay, Lob, Snick, Pookca, Chew, etc. This server takes place in unturned, a game that can be found in steam. The time this story takes place is a few weeks after the nuking of Layla's first hotel, and a few days after the creation of Poggers' and Layla's hotel. The hotel is meant to be a neutral zone, in which is an attraction to war crimes and stuff. The server needs to be rebooted now ( when I am currently writing this ) by Zay, which he isn't planning too ( I was nearly about to make lore plans smh ).
There's also another server called "Zayian Chaos" ( you guess it, it's made by Zay ) which is like a replacement of UwU Chaos ( og ). It includes the same people from UwU Chaos. ( no real explanation on this dead server that no one talks about lmao )

Anyways join my discordz:
( 723 words in total )

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