Does Someone Have a Date?

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"Thank you big brother, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you." I smiled and rubbed his back "same with you Mikes."

That night Mikey slept on the couch and I slept in my bed. I woke up six times, three times screaming from the nightmares. I hated them. Mikey hadn't heard me because he was used to the yelling at night, I guess.

In the morning it was hard getting out of bed, just like every morning. I didn't want to go to work particularly today, for Mikey's sake and my own. The coffee pot was already turned on when I got into the kitchen.

I poured myself a cup and found a note next to the pot.

Hey I went to work today. I'll call you when I get home, don't forget to make an appointment for me please. I love you ~ Mikey

I smiled and picked up the phone calling the doctor.

"Hi I'd like to make an appointment for my brother Mikey Way."

She blabbered on about something for five minutes but I wasn't listening. I was sketching on the piece of paper Mikey left. I didn't realize what I was drawing until we hung up.

I was drawing Frank. His cheekbones and jaw line were so easy to draw, considering they were so perfect. He was perfect, I hope to get to know him better.

I decided to go to work, considering I had no excuse to stay home. I got in the car and drove the the diner. Lucy wasn't in today, that means either Pete or Ryan were.

Thankfully it was Ryan today, I can barely handle Pete sometimes. I love him, but sometimes silence is nice, I don't think he believes that. "Hey Gerard, can you go grab more cups in the back for me, please." Ryan said, looking like he was struggling with taking orders from customers.

I grabbed the cups and helped Ryan with all the early morning customers. A few stragglers in between breakfast and lunch.

"Hey what can I get you." Ryan asked him, I was in the back so I couldn't tell who he was talking to. "Just a cup of coffee, to go please." I recognized that voice. "Frank?" I called from the back.

I walked out as he was grabbing his coffee. He smiled, that perfect little smile. "Hey Gerard, I didn't know you worked here?"

"Yeah for a while now, actually." I couldn't stop smiling, something about him brought it to my face.

"Okay well I have to get back to work. I'll see you at five right?"

"Yeah, wait is there anything you wanted specifically for dinner?"

"Um just no meat. Im a vegetarian."

"Okay no meat." He walked out and Ryan nudged me.

"Does someone have a date tonight?!" I could feel my face turn bright red. A date? I hope Frank thought it was a date.

"Maybe." I said walking back into the kitchen without another word.

Ryan didn't bother me about it for the rest of the work shift. He's like that, not pushy and waits for the right time, unlike Pete. Which is why I'm glad he wasn't working today.

"Alright Ryan I'm leaving, are you locking up?"

"Sure thing."

I walked out of the diner and zipped up my black leather jacket. The air was turning brisk and the sun was barely hanging in the sky, looking tired from the long day.

I made spaghetti without meat sauce for Frank and I. I set the table, debating whether or not to put a candle in the middle. I decided not to, wondering if Frank thought this was casual.

There was a knock at the door and I walked to open it. "Hey Gerard." He smiled as I smiled back. He looked stunning in his black skinny jeans and short sleeve black button up shirt. Not too dressy, not too casual, I liked it.

"This spaghetti is delicious." I was glad he liked it, my meals consist of Mac n cheese and ramen noodles. Paying off college debts with a crappy diner job isn't the finest way to live, but it's working.

"What do you do Frank?"

"I work at the bar down from your diner."

"Oh." Is all I could say. I haven't stepped foot in a bar since before it was legal for me to drink.

"It's a shithole, but at least it pays the bills." I smiled and stared at his eyes. There were the most perfect hazel color, mine were nothing compared to his. I know they say 'the eyes are the window to the soul' is bullshit but right now I'm starting to believe it.

"Quit staring at me." He told me as his cheeks turned the color of the sunset outside.

"I can't, you're beautiful."

"I've never been called beautiful before."

"Well you are, don't listen to anything else. You're perfect."

We walked out onto the balcony to watch the sunset. "Do you ever wonder why there's such shitty things going on in this world, yet there's things as beautiful as this?" He asked me as he was looking at the sunset. I was just staring at him, hoping he sticks around for a little.



"I kinda like you."

"I kinda like you too, Frank."

"Can we do this again sometime?"

Remembering it was Friday I asked him "do you wanna come over for a movie or two tomorrow night?"

"I'd love that."

I walked him out of the apartment building to his car.

"You really are wonderful Gerard."

He smiled and hugged me. It felt so nice to have someone hug me, no one ever does, no one ever has.

"I'll see ya tomorrow."

"See ya." He said as he pulled away, got into his car and drove off.

{Holy crap, I really apologize for taking so long to update this story. I can't tell how long this chapter is because I wrote it on my phone. Tell me if you like it because I'm iffy about it. I promise it won't take me nearly as long to update again. I love you allxox}

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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