Chapter 2: Together

Start from the beginning

You weren't sure how he'd react, though, or how to bring it up...what were you supposed to tell him? Do you want to hold me? We could even sleep together?

Later, you walked with him back to your rooms for the night, still wondering how to ask Daryl, how to tell him what was in your head, if maybe it was a bad idea...but you really wanted it... His room was next to yours, and you called his name before he walked into his, still with no idea of what to say.

"Daryl..." You called for him, and he turned to look at you, arching an eyebrow. He smiled and it made something twirl in your belly... "I, uh...I was wondering..." That smile was just making it harder to focus and find words. "How much have you drunk?"

Daryl snorted at that. "Dunno...more than in a while, why?"

"Just wondering if you're drunk...I mean, you are..." You chuckled awkwardly. "But I mean, you know what you're doing...right?" Otherwise, you wouldn't try anything.

"I know what I'm doin'." Daryl was looking at you, seeming half confused, half amused. "Might get drunker, though." He waved the bottle of booze that he'd taken with him. "Ya wanna?" He lifted the bottle in your direction.

", I was thinking...wondering..." It couldn't be that hard, why were you struggling to find words. "If maybe you wanted in my room..." Well, sleep with you, rather, but those words didn't make it past your lips.

Daryl frowned, and you were sure he was going to tell you off, but he seemed concerned. "Ya think this place ain't safe?"

Oh...he thought that you were scared of sleeping alone in the room or that you didn't trust the was nice of him, to offer to stay with you if you were scared... Maybe you should content yourself with that...

"No...well, I don't know, that doctor is a bit strange, but I don't think that he's going to murder us in our sleep...right?" Now that you had planted the seed in your brain, you couldn't help but worry.

Daryl snorted. "Don't think so...but yeah, there's somethin' off with the guy...Alright, if ya wanna I can take watch while ya sleep." Daryl shrugged, looking down shyly.

"That's not fair, you gotta sleep too, even more after all you drank..." You didn't want Daryl not to sleep, in fact, you wanted him sleeping with those nice arms around you, and the fact that this night he seemed to have decided to be all caring and sweet wasn't helping. "But...I didn't mean that...what I mean..."

You felt stupid, struggling with words like that, and Daryl was looking at you with those caring and pretty eyes, and so you decided to just go ahead and show him, feeling braver with actions than with words. You stepped closer and leaned to peck his lips, feeling all kind of butterflies in your belly.

When you pulled back, Daryl looked at you with wide, surprised eyes. He seemed to want to say something, but no words made it past his lips as he just stared at you in shock, and you felt your cheeks heating up.

"I'm sorry...I just...I didn't...I...I'm sorry..." You rushed into your room, closing the door behind you, embarrassed...Daryl wasn't drunk enough to not remember it in the morning, but you'd try to pretend that you'd been drunk and you didn't remember that you had kissed him...this was going to be so awkward...

You face planted on the bed and you winced, that mattress was harder than you expected it. You shifted until you could bury your face on the pillow, the closest thing you could get to the earth swallowing you.

Not much later, though, there were some knocks on the door.

You frowned and went to open the door, and when you found Daryl there, you almost freaked out. You didn't know what to say, and Daryl wasn't saying anything either, just looking at you as he chewed on his thumbnail, but then he made to walk in, and you automatically moved back so he could step into the room.

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