Chapter 2: Together

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A couple of days after Daryl stopped you from leaving him and his brother, you three found the quarry camp where Shane and the others were staying.

You joined them after a disagreement with Merle, who wanted to rob them, but to yours and Merle's surprise, Daryl took your side, and so, you joined the camp.

Things were better there. You weren't alone with Merle Dixon anymore, there were more women, you made friends...but you never forgot how Daryl had helped you and took care of you, and so you tried to be there for him too, even when it looked like he didn't want it, so he knew you weren't forgetting him and his help...and maybe in those weeks traveling together, you had gotten kind of fond of him, and you two had become kind of were sure Daryl would negate it if you asked, though.

You knew it, though, you felt it, how Daryl and you grew closer during your weeks surviving together, and during the quiet nights at the quarry, or at least quiet when Merle shut up and falling asleep, in which you sat down next to Daryl in comforting silence and sometimes you both even spoke...

In a way, you'd started to see Daryl's heart, how he seemed not to care, yet always helped you, how he strived to hunt and bring as much food as possible to the camp...

That heart of him was shattered when his brother died, or disappeared, didn't know what had happened to him. You though Merle was dead, but Daryl wouldn't listen to that, still holding up to hope of his brother being alive somewhere...but he was lost to him and that broke him, you knew it, you could see it.

And so, even if you wouldn't miss Merle, even if you hated him, even if Daryl was kind of behaving like a prick with everyone, upset and angry about what happened to his brother, you tried to be there for him...and Daryl may not say so, you knew he wouldn't admit it, but you too knew that he needed it.

That night, before going to the CDC, when he couldn't sleep and you sat down next to him, he tried to appear strong and indifferent, but ended up breaking down at the memory of his brother, you reached out to hug him and...he pushed you away, seeming overwhelmed at the hug, but you tried not to take it personally, not in such a moment.

He didn't snap, didn't get angry, though, he just seemed shy, and he didn't move from next to your side...not even when you ended up dozing off against his arm, your head fitting comfortably on the crook of his shoulder...


You were at the CDC, sat down on the table after eating more food than you'd ever eaten since walkers began roaming the world. Everyone was happy, eating and drinking, celebrating, including Daryl. He was joking and drinking, smiling, you didn't think you'd seen him grinning like that before, and you had to admit that you liked it, he had a pretty smile, that seemed to light his whole face, the whole place, even...

You chuckled at yourself...what a bunch of corny shit, as Daryl would say, had you just thought. But it was true, Daryl was an attractive guy, there was no way of denying it, it wasn't the first time that you admired him, and with him smiling like that...

Yes...Daryl was an attractive guy, with those beautiful eyes, strong shoulders and arms...For a while now, you had idly thought now and then what it'd be like to have those arms wrapped around you, when you felt lonely, or sad, or lost, when your spirit was low...

It wasn't just that he was attractive, though. If Daryl were a complete prick, you wouldn't be wondering stuff like that, no matter how attractive he might be...but for weeks, you'd been wondering and thinking that Daryl was more than it seemed under all those layers of harshness...

As he drank and smiled now, teasing Glenn and just joking around, you couldn't help a warm feeling in your belly, that got worse when you looked at Lori and wanted that, or the closest thing possible, even if it was just for a night, but you didn't want it with anyone, you wanted it with Daryl.

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