"h-huh?" he stuttered.

"seat here," and he patted his lap.

jaemin didn't speak and just sat on jeno's lap. jeno pulled him closer as he sat at his thigh. the younger was now facing the male who's looking at him calmly.

"when did that start?" he asked calmly.

"a-almost a week ago..." he answered.

"shh, stop crying, baby." and he moved some strands of jaemin's hair. "did i scare you that much?" he asked worriedly.

he shook his head and just buried his face on jeno's neck, the older one was caressing his hair, comforting him.

"did they hurt you or something? tell me, love." jeno asked.

"n-no," he responded.

"did they just send you those?" he asked, making jaemin nod his head and didn't speak anymore.

"okay, hush now, honey," he said calmly. "i'm sorry if i scared you, i'm sorry..."

jaemin wrapped his arm on jeno's neck and rested his chin, closing his eyes as he suddenly felt sleepy.

"are you sleepy, baby?" jeno's asked.

"hm-mm..." he nodded.

"okay, take a rest." and he caressed his hair. "but, love?" he called.

"hmm?" he responded.

"can i borrow your phone?"

waking up from their bed, the two suddenly get up as they hear a loud noise outside their room. jaemin groaned and laid back from their bed to continue sleeping.

not until someone opened the door loudly and almost ruined it.

"you fucking asshole!"

"get up, jaemin! we're going to leave!"

the younger suddenly flinched from his place, he didn't have any idea what was going on. his parents were now pulling him up. until his jaw dropped after seeing the scene of jeno getting punched by his father.

"we didn't raise you to be asshole, you fucking bastard!" his father shouted.

"jeno..." he whispered, his parents kept pulling him out of the room. "jeno!"

"jaemin! i said we need to leave!" his mother shouted.

"n-no..." he whispered.

he was about to go back from the room again but his mother pulled him back and suddenly slapped him, which made him stop.

"don't you fucking dare try again to go back inside because we were now leaving, jaemin." his mother said seriously.

"but why!" he shouted, he didn't mean to raise his voice but he was curious as heck why did their parents do this. why jeno's father punched him. why did they need to leave?

"he abused you!"

a word that made jaemin stopped, abused? but when?

"if we just find this out early, then we might not arrange you in marriage! you might not fall in love with an asshole like him!" his mother continued.

"and all these years, you didn't even think to say that to us? to open up? do we really need to find out from others, huh, jaemin?" his father asked.

tears were forming to his eyes, he was breathing heavily as he tried to hold back his tears. he didn't speak, he was already out of words.

"you don't know everything."

jaemin ignored his mom's yelling and his father who's calling him madly, he ran the distance between the first floor and their room.

he was panting as he arrived at the room, there he saw the lee's family. jeno was now getting beat up by his dad while jeno's mother who's trying to stop them.

"please..." he begged as he knelt in front of jeno's father. "d-don't hurt him..." his voice cracked.

jeno was now on his back, lips were bleeding because of how hard his father punched him. jaws were getting numb.

"love, stop..." his wife said, already crying.

"and you're still taking his side after what he did back in your college days, jaemin?" jeno's father asked, disappointed.

"he used you to get some money! he bullied you! he abused you! you're not deserve a man like him, jaemin." he continued.

"yes, i used him for money, but did you even know where i used that? yes, i'm a bully. but have you ever seen me harassing them? and i? abused the man i loved before? okay, then. tell me when did jaemin go home having a lot of bruises to his body." he finally spoke.

the room is filled with silence, jaemin's parents on the door, jeno's mother who's stopping his husband from beating his son again.

"call me stupid, i would probably accept it because i am. i did that thing, asking for money from him because i thought we would be closer. yes, i know, the stupidest man in the world, which is me." he continued.

"where do i spend the money? donating it to the orphanage. you don't know everything, dad. you just probably say it because you always trust anyone except me, you always think i'm lying. you believe to others except me, that your own fucking son."

"wanna ask why i became aggressive back in my college days? it's because of you, dad. you fucking disowned me, and you're now here, saying to my man that he did not deserve me?!"

"jeno..." jaemin whispered, calming him down.

"we already talked about this, dad." he said calmly after the long silence, he was already calm unlike earlier. "everything was fine, i apologised, i regret everything i did. and now, i'm paying him back. i'm taking care of him and loving him for the rest of my life."

"auntie, uncle and mom. i'm sorry for what i did before, i already regret it. i'm too immature that time, i was not in the right think and i am such a stupid back then. please, forgive me. i can wait until you guys did."

"and please, don't cancel the wedding."


sorry for the late update because i got sick for about two days i think? i don't know if i just got a cold from taking a bath every night or because i ate the food i had an allergy on, whatever, i'm fine now and this is already the last chapter!

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