Start from the beginning


     The next day at school went exactly as planned. Within earshot of Nicole, Rachel ‘accidentally’ let it slip while speaking to Misty that  she heard I was going to show everyone how to divine information on someone at my party. Then later in the day, Candy was telling Brad that I had said I was focusing my sights on gaining dirt on Nicole and would make sure everyone at the party knew Nicole just a little bit better,  when Nicole was nearby. Carter, the most brazen of the bunch walked right up to Nicole and told her to watch her back, rumor was I was going to give everyone shady information about her at my party.  I heard in geography from Marcy that Nicole questioned her about it and Marcy stood firm and with feigned betrayal acted as if she knew nothing of it and upset because I had promised her that she would be the only person I would tell. In biology, Nicole seemed as if she were deeply preoccupied and troubled, Even her groupies were avoiding her ill humor. In French class, the fab five were elated reenacting Nicole’s responses to what she was told or happened to overhear. According to Carter, the expresssion of pure horror on Nicole’s face at the thought of the entire class knowing any dirt on her was priceless. Misty said it was hilarious to see Nicole in her peripherial vision inching ever closer to her and Rachel’s conversation to hear better and eavesdrop on the whole thing. Brad imitated Nicole’s temper tantrum kicking her locker door after hearing I planned to air her dirty laundry for all to see.

     Enjoying every second of the plan coming together, I went on to remind the five of them they have to gain Nicole’s trust and make her believe they are all against me. Brad was the spokes person for the group telling me the plan they came up with to do just that. “Tomorrow we are all going to approach Nicole and tell her all we know and act as if we are outraged by it. We will make sure she knows we want nothing to do with being at your party and we all hate you for how you have ruined our lives. Rachel heard from Sathra that Nicole is more determined to wreck your party now and Sathra said she wants nothing to do with it, enter us. We will at first lead her to believe we are not interested, then let her talk us into it.” Jeremy broke in to say, that Shane told him Nicole has been asking everyone if they know anything about what I plan to do at the party and the unanimous answer is have a bon fire and probably drinking, but no one has mentioned a séance or given her any clue to the prank. She is still in the dark to it being a joke on her.

     On the bus, Jake told me more or less the same thing Jeremy had told me. Marcy said Nicole approached her again, but Marcy told her she hadn’t had time to question me about it yet. I told Marcy to tell Nicole it is just rumors flying, that I still only intend to show her in private. When Nicole entered the bus there was an obvious attempt made to act as if nothing was going on behind the scenes, however, I don’t think Nicole noticed.

     Mom seemed less irate about me having a party when she came home, but I didn’t push that button either. Dad was full of  eagerness to present me with his gift a couple days early. Mom didn’t know what it was, but I was fairly sure I did. When I peeled away the wrapping, there it was on the front of the box, but the picture did nothing to represent the actual phone. As I lifted it from its compartment, I was in pure awe. It was a metallic red, my favorite color, and oh how it shined. Dad reached for the instructions and began reading as I hurriedly grabbed up the charger and plugged it into the wall outlet. Mom was asking Dad if he was sure we could afford it, mentioning the ongoing bill that comes with it. Dad rather blatantly informed Mom he couldn’t afford the stress that would come with me not having it. I was delighted all the more when Mom acquiesced to seeing the importance to my having a means to keep in touch with them. Once it was ready, Dad baby stepped me through the basics of setting it up and using it. His first order of business was putting the home phone number, the number for the car lot and the dentist office in the contacts. Again he punctuated, that I could call those numbers anytime for any reason.

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