chapter one

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She downed her drink, trying to calm her nerves as she spied the man sitting a few stools down. Trying not to be too obvious, she stuck to watching him out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't help, but feel like he looked familiar. When he came around, the girl waved down the bartender for a second drink.

"Whad'ya want?", he said with a nod at the man seated to her right.
"Whiskey Sour." She thought the man sounded tired. Now that she thought about it–he looked tired. His hair was mousy and hung down almost into his eyes. He looked old, but in a good way. Like he'd lived a good life and had a few stories to tell. But most of all; she noticed that he was quite handsome.

She found herself moving to the stool next to him before she could really think about it. "So..." The barman set her drink down in front of her. "Cheers, mate." Speaking to the man again, she asked, "What's your deal?"

When she turned back to him, his face held a look of confusion. "Sorry?"

"You know...what's your name? What's your story? Who are you? Why are you here?" She looked up at him and noticed that his body was littered with scars. His eyes, they were such an intriguing shade of green.

The man chuckled and almost shook his head. "I assure you, I'm really not that interesting." He looked down at his hands clutching the glass.

"I don't believe that for a second. I've found that everyone is at least a little bit interesting." She let out a laugh and continued, "You ever had a weird pet? Maybe a torrid love affair? A duel to the death that you barely survived? Come on, there's at least a story behind these scars of yours." The girl noticed that he blushed slightly at the mention of his scars.

He looked back up into her eyes for just a second before conceding. "Alright, I'll play. I had a dog once, he was a scraggly mutt. No love affair unless you count a silly schoolboy crush on my best friend. No duels to the death either." He laughed softly before sitting up a little straighter. "And the scars are because I used to get into a lot of fights in school." After a second, he extends his hand. "My name's Remus."

"Elena." The girl reached out to take his hand. "I don't know, Remus. I'm pretty intrigued now."

He dropped her hand while he reached for his glass again. He let out another soft laugh, looked back to her eyes, lifted a brow, and asked "Is that right?"

She blushed, but nodded her head at him. The girl took a sip of her untouched drink. They were silent for a moment. Then she picked her drink up, finished in one go, and stood.

"Oh, are you leaving?" The man quirked an eyebrow at her again.

"Yes, I think I am. I've got a room upstairs and it's late." Elena pushed her stool in, threw some cash on the bartop, and grabbed her bag from the wall. She started to walk past the man towards the stairs, but stopped for just a second. "Room 71", just a bit quieter so only he could hear. Then she continued on her way up the stairs and down the hall.


Elena found herself pacing around the room she had stayed in for the past two nights. She found herself wondering if she had been too forward. Maybe Remus didn't like that, maybe she had made him uncomfortable. Just as she was about to give up and climb into the bed to wallow, there was a light knock at the door. She scrambled back over to the door and then paused. She wiggled her whole body and shook out her hands for a second before reaching for the door. The door opened to reveal the handsome man about to knock again. He dropped his lower lip from between his teeth. Both strangers let out a sort of sigh.

"Fuck...can I come in?"

The girl nodded and stepped aside. Before she could get the door shut, his hands were on her waist, grabbing at her hungrily. His lips came down on her collarbone, fast and hard. She felt herself being pushed back towards the bed and heard the slam of the door. He must've kicked it shut. She moaned out at the feel of him moving further up her neck. At the sound, the man let out a groan and pulled back just enough for her to crash her lips into his. She felt her knees hit the bed and he pushed her down onto it. Stripping her of her trousers and pants in one go, he kissed up her thighs. She pulled her shirt over her head. Finding that she had no bra on, the man growled softly at the feel of his pants getting tighter.

Remus had her pinned down with his head looming over her center. He looked up at the woman who now sat pushed up on her elbows watching him with a look of lust written over her face. He figured he looked quite the same.

"Please..." She wriggled trying to brush up against him, but he wound his arms around her thighs, locking her in tighter.

He stared into her eyes and let his tongue in a broad lick up to circle her clit just once. Elena gasped at the feeling. He laughed once then repeated his motion. At that, the girl squeezed her thighs tighter around his head. He yanked her thighs back open and dove in, this time not stopping after one lick. She felt his tongue lapping at her over and over again. Every few seconds stopping to let his mouth wrap around it and suck.

"Oh fuck!" She whimpered. Her walls fluttered and her eyes fell shut. Only to fly back open when he slipped two fingers inside and started to pump in time with his tongue. The man moaned against her and she felt her orgasm coming at her. He stared into her eyes as she tried to wiggle away from his mouth, but she was held in place by his strong grip. She let out a loud moan and just as he started sucking on her clit again, she felt her pleasure wash over her. He pumped his fingers in and out a few more times before withdrawing. He sucked his fingers clean and began kissing up her body again. She was whimpering as he made his way to her breasts, taking one into his mouth to lick at while he played with the other.

Moaning again, she pulled his mouth to hers. She bit softly at his bottom lip before pulling back. "I'm even more intrigued now." and leaned back in to kiss him. He groaned into her mouth. In between kisses, he said "Good, because I'm not done with you yet." Elena mewled and her hand found its way to his waistband.

Remus pulled back, shaking his head. "Another time." He chuckled and kissed her softly once more. Elena pouted for a second and muttered, "fine".

The man started towards the bathroom, "What's your last name? I'm leaving for a job in the morning, but I'll write you. If you want me to, of course." She watched as he straightened his clothes in the mirror, smirking to herself.

She smiled at him and crawled off the bed. "I think I would quite like that. It's Crooke. Elena Crooke." When he looked back over, she was pulling her shirt back over her head. Remus walked back over to her, kissed her on the cheek, and said, "Alright, Elena Crooke, expect an owl soon" He started towards the door.

"I'll be waiting, Remus."

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