- I think he can come. - Sam said.

- I don't know. - Bucky said.

- Come on Bucky, he helped us so many times I think we can trust him. - Sam said.

- Okay. But he can't come in his super suit. - Bucky said.

- Okay. - Peter said.

I walked over to Peter and whispered to him.

- You sure you want to go? -

- Yeah. - he whispered back.

- And are you ready for them to know who you are? - I asked.

- Yes, I am. - he said. - And don't be such a mom. -

- Sorry, just in my universe I am the youngest Avenger. And they do this with me all the time. -

- It sucks. - he agreed.

- Are you two ready? 'Cause if you aren't we are going to be late from a party. - Sam said.

- Yeah. - Peter said and walked over to them and took of his mask. - Hi I'm Peter Parker. -

- Peter. Right okay. I think you already us - Bucky said. - or we should introduce ourselves? -

- No need. Mr. Barnes. - Peter said.

- Ok. Great. Now let's party. 'Cause a people isn't turning 107 everyday. - Sam said and started walking to a black van to put down his things Peter went with him.

- You needed to bring up this, now he can't shut up about it. - Bucky said as he walked next to me.

- Sorry. - I said. - But think about that part that he is here for you, he remembers your birthday and make a party for his best friend. -

- He isn't my best friend. - he said back.

- Yeah. And I am Beyonce. - I said and laughed a little.

- Who? - he asked back.

I smiled until I realised he really doesn't know who is she.

- Sam, - I shouted to him. - Bucky really doesn't know who Beyonce is!? -

- Yeah. I tried to make him listen her but he likes 40s music. - he said as we arrived next to him.

- You are really an old man. - I said to Bucky.

- Ok, ok. I will listen one of her song. Okay? - he said laughing slightly.

- You should listen Halo. - Peter said. Now he was in everyday clothes. - That's one of my favourite. -

We sat in the car. Like always Sam was driving Bucky sat next to him and me behind Bucky and Peter behind Sam sat in the back.

Before we arrived Sam said.
- Y/n don't get out of the car until I open your door. Okay? -

- Yeah, sure. - I said.

- Okay then stay. - he said and stopped the car.

Bucky was the first to step out of the car then Sam and then Peter and I stayed. I saw the guys running towards them and Sarah walking behind them. They were happy to see their uncle and Bucky. They happily greeted Peter.

- Guys we brought a suprise to you. - I heard Sam and then he opened the car door.

- Hey guys! - I greeted them.

- Y/n! - they said and hugged me then I walked to Sarah and hugged her to. - It's good to see you again. -

- You too. - she said. - You come because of Bucky's birthday? - she asked.

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