Doesnt have a title

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I haven't written for awhile! And I might not update frequently, I'm currently writing this chapter on February 7th anyways hope you like!

I wake up. The cycle starts again. I wordlessly start mopping the floor. Not even sparing a glance at them. Who are them you ask? Sokka and my father. I can feel their eyes scanning the room, every once in a while their eyes turned on me and suki. The younger water tribe boy eyes bore into Suki. A noticeable sadness and longing in his eyes. -so, he must know her somehow- I tense when I hear his footsteps coming out way. I practically drag Suki stopping to glance at Sokka every once in a while. I see his eyes widen and feel his heartbeat quicken -no- I think -stop, control yourself- my thoughts are cut off my Suki protesting. Demanding to know why I dragged her to a corner in the courtyard. My shoulders slump and my eyes get misty; I tell her, I tell her every thing, thought, and feeling I've had that has led to this moment. I tell her how I was stolen from my family, my home. And that guard and prisoner are my brother and father (Sokka is the guard)
She doesn't interrupt me, not once. Then I break, I fall down to the floor, quiet enough to so we don't cause a scene. She just hugs me, whispering in my hair. Ever so stopping her mumbling to apologize. -why would she apologize? nothing, nothing at all is her fault- I sense I feel the same heartbeat I felt -sokka- so he does know who we both are -so much for staying on the low- I say to myself

that's kinda a weird ending to the chapter but hope you enjoy! Make sure to comment and vote! Helps more people discover my book 😃

Can someone please give
Me a good title name?
I have no ideas

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