𝗭𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

Start from the beginning

You've always discarded their feelings.

The older woman sighed at your antics as she tiredly massage her forehead "(Name), were you able to get in touch with hyeon-Ju?" Opening your mouth to say 'No' but the sound of a door being opened stopped you.

Speaking of the devil, it was Hyeon-Ju. Stepping inside of the classroom, her body swaying side to side. As you notice her eyes turned bright red and her face was a bloody mess. Making you cringe in disgust and nearly causing you to puke.

Quickly stepping closer to the girl, you stretch your arms out for her as Hyeon-Ju falls right to your arms "Oh shit— what happened to you?" You mumbled questionably and gently putting her on the floor, her back resting on your arms

Your classmates jumped out of their sits and walked up closer to take a closer look at Hyeon-Ju. They all gasped after seeing her face covered with blood

Cupping her cheeks, you gently start tapping it "Hey, Hyeon-Ju. Hyeon-Ju" you repeated her name "Stay with me, Don't close your eyes"

The girl looks at you with her eyes half lifted open "Pres....?" She weakly whispered.

Ms. Park kneeled beside you while examining Hyeon-Ju's injuries. The teacher grew even more concerned for the girl "Can you recognize me and (Name)?" She asks, worried tone lacing from her voice

You were expecting her to say 'Yes' but to your surprise, she didn't. Instead, she said something that you never imagine "He...grabbed me....the science teacher...and he locked me up..."

Ms. Park's eyebrow slowly got knitted together "He locked you up? The Science teacher? Mr. Lee Byeong-Chan?"

Wow, you know that the science teacher is weird looking guy since the beginning because of his odd behavior. But you never expected him to be one crazy maniac who had the guts to lock up a fucking student in the school ground.

Looking down on her arms, you pulled the uniform sleeve up. you mentally gasp when you notice her arms were entirely covered by needles mark "How many times he Injected her..." You shakily mumbled, the most terrifying thing is. What kind of drug did the teacher inject her with

"Let's go to the infirmary okay?" The teacher soothingly whispered to the girl. Ms. Park then turned to look up at Nam-ra "Nam-ra make sure they study on their own" Nam-ra curt a nod in response "And please don't say anything to anyone until me or (Name) come back and confirm the facts" She adds, earning a few nods of understanding.

Lifting Hyeon-Ju with the help of Mr. Park, Su-yeok lend a helping hand "I'll carry her" he kneels down and ready himself. As the few of your classmates helped you and Mr. Park gently lifting Hyeon-Ju and placing her on Su-yeok back.

One of the student council members arrives, looking for you.

"Prez, we need your help— Woah! What fuck happened to her?!" Sang-hoo yells, completely horrified after seeing Hyeon-Ju bloody face "Whatever problem is that, I can't deal with it right now" You grunted.


"I said I can't, Just call Ji-hoon and let him handle it. And do me a favor, report to the principal that a science teacher named Mr. Lee Byeong-Chan locked up a student"

Sang-hoo nods as he quickly bolted out of the room and headed towards the principal office. While he pulled his phone out to contact the Student Council Vice-President

On-Jo and you held Hyeon-Ju firmly so the girl wouldn't fall, as you guys run through the hallway. Hyeon-Ju was clearly not staying still. She kept making weird hissing sounds and you notice she tried biting Se-Hyeok on the neck but failed miserably many times.

"Hey. stop that, what are you half snake and half dog?" You exclaimed, and giving her a slap on the back.

"(Name)! It isn't the time to joke around!" Ms. Park sternly scolded you, mumbling a soft sorry. your serious self came back

Running through the hallway speedily, Ms. Park quickly slide the door open as Su-Hyeok carried the girl inside of the infirmary "Please help!" The nurse only looks at you guys with confused eyes. Su-hyeok carries Hyeon-Ju to the bed, carefully placing her down on it.

The nurse then take out an thermometer. Using it to measure Hyeon-Ju temperature, the nurse's eyes widened, gasping softly at the thermometer. Wanting to know why, you took one glance at the thermometer

"29.1 Celsius...? Her temperature is way too low" You uttered in disbelief.

Hyeon-Ju suddenly trashed around the bed, making the weird hissing and gagging sound again. As she continued to furiously squirm. You Grabbed her legs and firmly pinning it against the bed. while Su-Hyeok and On-Jo grabs her arms

"Pin her to the bed, I'll give her a shot" The nurse orders, On-Jo flinch back when she got slightly bit on the wrist, restracting one of her hands. you used your unoccupied hand to grab her wrist "Are you okay?"

On-Jo hums and nodded "It's just a scratch don't worry" She reassured. Letting out a sigh of relief, you look back at Hyeon-Ju. Her eyes turned even more red as you saw her veins getting evident on the skin.

You don't know what kind of shots, Mr. Lee injected into her. But you can clearly tell, whatever drug he used isn't good news at all.

Only you do is hope and pray, Hyeon-Ju would turn back to normal once she gets admitted to the hospital

"Stop trying to bite us, you wanna be fucking dog" You hissed



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• Tired asf, hope u guys enjoyed the shitty ass chap lol

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• Tired asf, hope u guys enjoyed the shitty ass chap lol

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