Chapter 12 - Christmas at the Weasley's

Start from the beginning

"Mr Weasley is everything alright" Y/N asks

"Y/N, there are some wizards within the Ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to tell you. But I think you need to know the facts. Because you and Harry are in danger, grave danger" Mr Weasley begins

"I'm guessing this has something to do with my father," Y/N says and he nods

"I'm going to be honest with you first, I was a bit hesitant when Ron was thinking asked if you could spend Christmas with us. But I know that you are a good person and I can see why Ron offered"

Y/N smiles "Thank you, sir, and I completely understand your initial reaction and I don't hold that against you"

"You're too kind Y/N," Mr Weasley smiles "but back to what I called you in for, In Black's mind, Harry is the only person standing in the way of You-Know-Who returning to power. That's why he's broken out of Azkaban. To find him and-"

"-Finish what he started" Y/N finishes and Mr Weasley nods nervously

"Y/N, I want you to swear that whatever you might happen, you'll protect Harry and his friends"


"He's coming Y/N and if Azkaban can't hold him then I'm afraid nowhere can"

"I'll do my best sir," Y/n says

"Your a very powerful witch for age and smarter than witches and wizards my age," Mr Weasley says "I know I'm asking a lot but I know when the time comes you can protect your friends and will be ready"

Y/N nods "I won't let you down Mr Weasley " she says and Mr Weasley smiles

"Now go let's get back inside before we both freeze" and Y/N nods and heads back inside the Burrow


"Wake up Y/N!" Ron's voice yells into the room and Y/N slowly opens her eyes

"It's Christmas you two," Harry says with a beaming smile and Y/N laughs at the boy's cheeriness

"Merry Christmas you guys," Y/N says and gets out of bed

"Come on presents are downstairs" Ron says and runs downstairs with Harry close behind

Y/N follows them with Ginny close behind as they make it to the living room to see that Mrs Weasley has already cooked a full course meal and presents stocked under the Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas Y/N" Mrs Weasleys says as the gives her a hug

"Merry Christmas Mrs Weasley" Suddenly a brown owl flies through the window with a bouquet of red and orange flowers land in Y/N's hands "These are for you," handing the bouquet

"These are wonderful Y/N thank you," she says and she puts them in a vase

"Merry Christmas Y/N," Mr Weasley says with a warm smile

"Merry Christmas Mr Weasley, I got you something," Y/N says and pulls out a small box from the pocket of her sweats. Mr Weasley open up the box to reveal a small muggle pocket watch "it's an antique muggle pocket watch, I thought you of all people would appreciate the craftsmanship"

"Its a wonderful give thank you Y/N," the older Weasley says and Y/N's smile beams

"Come on Y/N we want to open our gifts," Ron says impatiently

"Alright I'm coming," Y/N says and sits on the couch as everyone opens their presents.

Y/N bought Ron an assortment of sweets and Harry a quidditch jersey for the his favourite team The Chudley Cannons.

"Bloody hell Y/N thanks for the sweets" Ron says already stuffing his face with a chocolate frog

"No way Y/N, how did you know the Chudley Canons were my favourite team"

"I had a little help from Ron" Y/N says and Harry says

"Open your presents Y/N" Ron says and Y/N opens her gifts

The Ravenclaw girl got a beautiful feathered quill from Harry, a Holyhead Harpies Quidditch jersey from Ron, a copy of The Great Gasby from Hermione, a basket of sweets from Jorden, a leather satchel from Flo and a hand-knitted navy blue sweater with her first initial in white from Mrs Weasley.

"These are amazing you guys thank you" Y/N says

"Their's one more for you Y/N" Mrs Weasley says handing her a large parcel

"Bilmy Y/N who sent you that" Ron says

"It's from my aunt" Y/N says as she looks at the tag

"Looks like it could be a new broomstick from the size of it" Harry says and Y/N beggings to unwrap it. Y/N removes the paper and reveals a beautifully crafted mahogany acoustic guitar.

"I didn't know you could play Y/N" Ginny says

"What can I say little Weasley I'm a girl of many talents" Y/N says and Y/N sits down and starts playing a small tune.

"Not bad Y/N" Fred says

"Go on sing us a tune I bet you can" George says

Y/N smiles "you probably won't know it actually Harry might"

Y/N gently strums a new tune. Its quite soft as she starts to play Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

I took my love, I took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
'Til the landslide brought me down

Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older to

Oh-oh, take my love, take it down
Oh-oh, climb a mountain and you turn around
And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Well, the landslide bring it down
And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Well, the landslide bring it down
Oh-ohh, the landslide bring it down

"Blimy Y/N that was brilliant" Ron says as everyone applauds and nods in agreement

"Thanks Ron" Y/N says and smiles. This Christmas hasprobably been one of the best. she truly feels accepted by the Weasley clan which is an odd feeling for the Ravenclaw, but she's so happy that she is.

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