Hawk - Negative or Positive?

Start from the beginning

"What did you think I was getting?" You asked her.

"Well, if I'm being honest, by how you sounded on the phone, I thought you were pregnant! Hah. Imagine how insane that would be" Sam replied.

You immediately felt sick to your stomach. But you nodded along to her as she talked. "Uh huh. Crazy..." you said agreeing.

"I mean, with the stress of the all valley championships, college and just usual rivalry shit, adding a baby into the mix would be catastrophic" she says, her eyes fixed on the road, but secretly glancing at you without you knowing.

"Mhm. Of course" you said with a small voice.

"Oh god and don't even get me started on if cobra Kai found out. I swear, that baby would be in so much danger and-" Sam's sentence was cutoff when you let out a cry and burst into tears.

Sam immediately looked over at you in alarm and  immediately pulled into the nearest parking lot. Once placing the car in park, she looks over at you with sympathy. You cried for a couple more minutes before finally calming down. Sam didn't say anything.

You sat there, eyes puffy, sniffling. You look over at her with a knowing look. "You already knew didn't you?" You asked her.

"Y/n, you're my best friend. You've been my best friend for years now. I know when you're anxious or scared. You're voice gets all shaky. You've been talking like that since you called me. I had an assumption you were, but I didn't know for sure. Now I do." She stated.

"Well don't get your hopes up cause I'm not pregnant yet, or at least I don't know if I am. All I know is my period is late and I don't know how I'm going to tell Hawk if this all ends up being true." You said hyperventilating a little.

Sam puts her hand on your shoulder. "It's ok. It's all going to be ok. I'll be there for you, through all of it. I will be there for the doctor appointments, the baby showers, and I will personally kick Hawks ass if I hear he doesn't want anything to do with the child" she said which made you crack a smile.

"Look, you're not alone. You will never be alone. Whoever put that thought in your head should be pushed off a cliff" she said dead serious but also a hint of joking.

You look over at her with teary eyes. "Thanks Sam. You're the best" you say.

"I know" she replies making you laugh. Sam puts her car back into drive and pulls out of the parking spot and back onto the road.

After a couple more minutes of driving, you pull into the drugstore parking lot. Once secure in a spot, Sam turns off the engine and looks over at you.

"You ready?" She asks you.

"No" you replied.

"Well too bad. You need to know. Come on" she says getting out of the drivers seat. You sighed and unbuckled yourself and get out of the car.

You both entered the store immediately going to the family planning aisle. You grab a couple tests off the shelf which seemed to have the best reviews. You make your way to the cash register with Sam by your side. You pay for your tests, never once making eye contact with the cashier.


After Sam gets you home, you immediately go to the bathroom. Sam is outside of the door, giving you privacy to do your business.

You opened the packages one by one. You had bought two tests. After you peed on the sticks, you called Sam into the bathroom and started the clock. You had to wait 2 minutes. Those two minutes couldn't go by any slower if you were honest.

Sam sat next to you, placing a reassuring hand on your arm as you start to feel apprehensive again.

Finally, after what felt like eons to you, the timer beeped, indicating two minutes was up. You both looked at each other before standing up to go look at them. Only you chickened out at the last second.

Jacob Bertrand ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now