There was a bout of silence. Kid was trying to see if you were serious or not. You couldn't care less before, you why were you so bothered by that now? As far as he was aware, you had chose to ignore him and wanted to stick with that...

The redhead leaned up from the dresser, deciding to sit at the edge of his bed. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, watching as he combed his hands through his bright, vermillion hair almost in stress.

"I take it you want to admit I was right." He hummed, shoulders relaxing.

"Please just tell me." You whispered, voice cracking.

Kid decided to stop messing with you and let his head fall to his hands. He let out a deep huff before he started up.

"Alright, but you're not going to like it," he warned. You didn't care. "During the first year of uni, there was a huge house party that happened at a friend of mine's parent's place just outside the city. They were out for the weekend. A fuck ton of people went, I'm surprised you didn't."

"Me and my friends aren't party people." You explained, earning a grunt of acknowledgment.

"Makes sense." He said under his breath, thinking of how antisocial Law could be. You didn't hear his remark, only focusing when he spoke up once more. "Anyway. Even your boyfriend was there with a few friends of his."

You frowned. "He was?"

The redhead nodded, glancing over at you briefly as you raised your head more. "Yep."

You frowned softly, puffy eyes still stinging. "... I don't see how this has to do-"

"Let me finish." He snapped, all before simmering down a little - fists still clenched. You shut up immediately. "I don't wanna go into the details of this shit, it's not fun to recount, but he got drunk off his ass and started to come onto my friend Killer's girlfriend at the time. He was hosting this whole thing, too."

Though you remained quiet, your blood ran as cold as the wind in a winter storm. Those tiger eyes raised and caught your own that had widened a little more as you stood frozen in place.

"He had his eyes on her before, you know. This wasn't all some spontaneous incident."

For some reason, you've always felt watched.

You felt like you couldn't breathe. "S-so..."

There was no telling why it was that way.

"So this had happened before?" You whispered, voice as quiet as a mouse.

You didn't know why.

"Yeah, pretty mu- h-hey, what the hell?"

Kid's face twisted into something akin to surprise as you dissolved into tears. You had your hands pressed to your eyes and your whole body was shaking, the salty liquid seeping down your cheeks. The man had no idea what to do, sitting there with his eyes on you.

He was completely unsure of what to say as he watched you completely break down in front of him. You must've been real uncomfortable about your problems to be so comfortably vulnerable in front of him.

The redhead cursed himself, standing to his feet. He awkwardly wandered over to you, looking down on your quivering frame. In a very stiff manner, he wrapped his arms around you. You found the back of your hands pressed to his exposed chest as you cried into them.

How you would kick yourself later for that.

"Yo, you want me to get you a-anything?" He said, not knowing what to do with himself as he patted your back robotically.

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