Old Man Kirks Mansion

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Modern Day, 2022...

It was a breezy day in London, not too cold or too hot. It was the perfect day. The sun was shining, and the grass was a luscious green. Christina was riding along the edge of the road, her camera bag hanging off her shoulder. She was rushing to get to her friend's house, they had a crucial event planed. The two girls had been best friends ever since birth. Their mums were excellent friends too. In fact, they both became pregnant around the same time.

However, Mare was about a month or two older. That didn't matter or bother the girls, they just cared about each other and vlogging.

Vlogging was their passion. They both shared a YouTube channel and had a ton of followers. They were so proud, and they should be. Both girls were spectacular editors, they had charisma in front of the camera, and their relationship drew the attention of the viewers.

As Christina reached the house, she hopped off her bike and left it lying in the grass. The dark blonde ran to the front door and rang the bell.

It took a few minutes, but Mare opened the door, her camera gripped in her hand. She smiled and placed a hand on her hip.

"I'm just getting my extra batteries and some snacks. Come on in. Jack will be happy to see you."

Immediately, the happy Labrador came bouncing up to Christina, his tail wagging fiercely. Christina bent down and greeted the happy dog. Jack licked her face, Christina liked when he did that.

The young girl was an animal lover, she was practically a whisper. Anything that had four legs and a tail, she'd get along with. The only exception was cats, reptiles, and bugs. She got creeped out by the last two and cats, well, she never grew up with the animal. Christina didn't know how to play with them, but dogs and horses, she knew like a book.

"You realize he doesn't do that with me, right?" Mare asked as she zipped up her purse.

Christina patted the dog's head one more time before standing up and brushing the hair off of her jeans.

"I know. Got everything?"

Mare nodded and pulled out her keys. Without saying a word, both girls headed out of the house.

Now, Mare was the more level-headed one. She kept Christina in check, basically she was the voice of reason who strayed Christina away from trouble. It didn't always work, but
Mare tried her best. Between the two girls, Mare was the diplomat. She was good with her words and knew the appropriate thing to say at the proper time. Both girls were good at writing, but when speaking out loud, Mare was the girl for the job.

"What do you think we'll find there? A dead body? A floating magical book?" Christina asked as she grabbed her bike from the grass.

Mare came next to her with her transportation and then placed her helmet on.

"No idea...may be some logical reason at why there are so many unexplained things happening in that old mansion."

Mare pushed her bike forward and rode off with Christina, both of them excited about this new adventure.
The girls knew the house would be old, with loose floorboards and spider webs hiding in every corner. They always knew coming here was a risk, but the content would be epic.

They left their bikes on the grass and walked up to the doors of the mansion.

"Hello everyone! Welcome! Mare and I are here at old man Kirk's mansion. Most of you guys have been requesting that we explore this abandon home. Now for a little history on this place. In 1940, a group of four kids went missing. They had come here to escape the war, but something happened, and they weren't seen again. The professor of this mansion died in 1980 and his home is still abandoned to this day. When people explore this house, they get a very weird feeling. Some say they hear odd noises or feel cold patches of air. Some have even seen apparitions or heard voices. We're here to check out if any of the rumors here are true. Enjoy this adventure with us."

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