"Understood." Riku returned to his puppet mode as he began to thoroughly study the script.

Meanwhile, the rest of the I6 members were watching the two boys having their discussion.

"What are they talking about?" Tamaki couldn't understand at all. He turned to Sougo, who was also just as lost.

"I didn't know they were close." Mitsuki was in awe. Riku was on a first-name basis with his little brother, and Iori sounded like he was ordering Riku around.

"Oi, Mitsu," Yamato whispered. "He must be that guy."

Mitsuki's eyes widened. Kujou? The mysterious 'girlfriend' Iori had been texting? While that would explain their closeness, he had many questions he wanted to ask his little brother. Why had Iori never said he was acquainted with Riku?



Incredible. The members of I6 were surprised by how quickly Riku learned everything in a few hours' time. After giving the solo idol his feedback and pointers here and there, he would perfect it on his next run. No one would ever know he was putting on an act, considering how natural he seemed. When the others laughed, he laughed with them. The director of the show was very pleased to work with Riku. His responsibility did not end there, though.

"So after this talk section here..." Sougo was going over the last part of the script. "Instead of TRIGGER, Kujou-san will perform 'Perfection Gimmick' with us."

"Whoa, hold it right there." Yamato quickly noticed the problem. "We practised with TRIGGER several times before. You're saying we have to figure out new formations and stuff in less than half a day?"

"Can't we sing two separate songs?" Mitsuki asked Tsumugi, who stood right behind him.

The girl shook her head. "I'm afraid we don't have enough time for two songs."

While the others were arguing, Riku thought of the day we went to the collaboration concert. He remembered being jealous. He remembered wanting to stand on stage alongside I6 and TRIGGER, smiling and connecting with the fans. Well, that was his wish, anyway. Whether he could do it or not was an entirely different matter. Could he lose himself in a song with a lighter, happier tone? Could he smile at the fans while singing? Could he make them smile by doing so? Well, Riku did not come this far to give up. Firmly, he said, "I'll do it." He wanted to do it. He wanted to change. The only other thing that bothered Riku was his health condition. No doubt, the practice would be intense when they only had a few hours to perfect their performance.

"Right, let's do it!" Seeing how determined Riku appeared to be, I6 members decided they could not give up either.


"Ha... ha..."

After 2 hours of non-stop training, breathing became more difficult for Kujou Riku. He sat in the corner during the much-needed break, drawing in as much air as he could.

"Kujou-san," Iori noticed that Riku was struggling. "Let's get you outside." He helped Riku up while the others were having their water break. Once they got out of the room, Iori ran off somewhere, leaving the redhead on the bench on his own. The redhead used his inhaler, hoping the pain in his chest would go away soon. A few seconds later, Iori returned with a small bottle of canned oxygen in his hand. "Here, use this." Gasping for air, Riku took it and used it straight away.

"Thanks, Iori." Fortunately, it didn't take long for Riku to feel better. "How did...?"

"I suspected your condition is chronic," Iori remembered a pile of medicine on Riku's table the day they first met. He stared at the exhausted boy. "Honestly though, I didn't expect it to be this severe when you're an idol."

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