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Love where are you? " the latest message that Yedam sent Haruto.. He's been texting him since 5 in the afternoon trying to remind him the dinner that the younger promised him..

Happy Birthday to me" he uttered softly as he let his tears fall for the 1st time of so many times that Haruto jilted their plans.. No.. His promises..he's crying nonstop as the Grandfather's clock in their living room tic tac and coo as it strike 12 am.. Another day and yes a new day for him..

The last sign he asked from the Man above.. With a heavy heart he go to his room to collect his luggages that contains all of his stuff he long packed..

Before leaving the house, his home for 3 years he looks around trying to see if the house can give him something good to reminisce.. But too bad the house gives him pain.. They were happy then.. He just don't know where things go wrong.. Its just one day he woke up that he's already alone, eating alone, going grocery and stuff alone..
He dry the tears as he laughs dryly of how their love goes wrong..


It's been 3 days since Haruto comes home.. Ah he haven't even read his phone's messages as he was to busy having the time of his life, getting thrilled of something new.. He's whistling getting excited for he'll just change and goes back again to the road of  his now happiness..

But then when he opens the door what welcomes him is the silence that it gives him goosebumps.. He look around  for the warm and beautiful smile of  Yedam.. But there's none..no one is around..

Oh did he go somewhere? " he asked softly not really minding..

As he approached the dining area he saw something that almost makes him rigid the untouched food that's decaying  and the card that says Happy Anniversary.. He forgot.. Their Anniversary is also Yedam's birthday and it was three days ago based on the digital calendar.. He can't believe what his eyes is seeing nor comprehending what his mind is telling him with a shaky feet he draws himself near the table and saw his letter near the cake..

No..N.. No... You can't do this to me Yedamie.. I'm sorry.. "His mind is chanting the same  line repeatedly.." my Ghaad baby please No..

With trembling hands , even with fear he opens the letter


     Oh, I don't know if I still have the right to call you that, forgive me..
      If you're reading this meaning you came back without me anymore.. Did you know that I've planned to wrote this letter last January the night where you said you'll meet me at the studio  but when I arrived the building I saw you leaving with him happily, I should try running after you then, but i couldn't let my self stop you from being happy even at the expense of me being broken for the 5th time of the month.. Yes Love,  I know.. saw it all, read it all.. I thought its just a phase, something that you'll outgrown, but no.. So  I was counting.. Been counting  I even ask too many signs to give us a chance.. Actually to give my self a chance or more hoping for a chance..

    Hey.. Don't go look for me.. Just know that I'm happy for you.. I will be happy for you.. Just be happy..

    PS I'll only cry when the last sign I'm asking be served... So don't feel guilty..

   Guess it's good that this happens between us, atleast I know that you're happy even without me..


Im having in so much contemplation if I'm still going to give you this letter.. This letter will signify the end of us and a new tomorrow of the both of us.. Don't go try looking for my things Coz you won't find any.. Just think  that  everything that happened between us was just a dream that never happens, that I didnt really exist in your life.. I've already change the ownership of every property we both shared in name into your name alone so don't worry about it anymore..

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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