•.❥︎°• MY SWEET OMEGA pt.3 •°❥︎.•

Start from the beginning

"Hana! No chewing on Felix's hair," Changbin panicked and took his baby again in his arms. The alpha could only laugh secretly at her puzzled expression when her mother scolded her.

They sat in the living room where the omega put his puppy on the foam covered floor and let her play with her plushies and colourful wooden bricks.

"Felix?" Changbin tried to catch the alpha's attention.

"Yes?" Felix replied fixing his eyes on the omega.

"Aren't you tired of this?"

"Of what?" the alpha asked visibly confused.

"Of me and Hana. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for what you do for us and I will never be able to repay you, but... I don't want to keep you from creating your own family," trying not to be bitter, Changbin said.

"Hey hey, what are you talking about? I could never get tired of you. I'm happy I can spend my free time with you and Hana," Felix replied and smiled softly at the omega. "And I already found someone I want to create my family with."

Hearing the words, Changbin couldn't hide his astonishment.

"Oh really?"

The alpha's smile widened thinking about how badly he wanted to confess to him already.

"Yes. I'm planning to take him on a date today actually," he beamed.

The omega, on the contrary, felt his heart break. The alpha's genuine happiness made it even worse. Whoever the person was, he must have been special.

He averted his eyes to his lap not wanting the other to see his hurt expression.

"That's... great! How come you've never told me you are courting someone?" he whined and pouted cutely to mask how dejected he was.

"We're not officially together yet-" a ringtone cut him off. Felix glanced at the caller ID and frowned. "Oh sorry, it's my sister."

Changbin put on a small smile and motioned for him to go ahead and answer the call. The alpha stood up and left the living room.

The omega bit his lower lip and glanced at the baby alpha on the floor, who was building a tower of her plushies giggling whenever one of them fell.

She was the best thing that had happened to him and his top priority. With or without an alpha, they would be okay as long as they had each other, right?

Felix's low voice brought him back to reality.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go. My mother had a car accident. My sister said it's nothing serious but she has a broken arm," visibly nervous, he explained briskly.

"Don't apologize. It's okay. Go see your mom. She needs you now." The omega ushered him to the door.

Once he closed it and entered the living room he saw Hana looking around in confusion.

"Dada?" she babbled.

Changbin raised his eyebrows in surprise and squatting next to her he lifted her in his arms.


The pup pouted and pointed at the door as if she was explaining to him what she was talking about.


The omega only then realized what she meant and smiled apologetically.

"No baby, Felix isn't our alpha," he explained softly in a hushed voice that was ready to break any second. Hana's chin began to tremble and her eyes became glassy. It didn't take her long to sob.

"No, no, don't cry."


MY SWEET OMEGA pt.4 coming soon...

MY SWEET OMEGA | changlix ONE-SHOTWhere stories live. Discover now