The Playground Mega Tantrum!

Start bij het begin

"Gracie?" Conor asked me with a confused frown "where's your brother?" He asked looking around and noticing my lack of supervision,

"He's inside" I replied sheepishly and he quirked a suspecting eyebrow,

"Does he know where you are?" He continued his questioning,

"Y-yes?" I attempted to say certainly but, I have to admit, it came out more like a question,

"Gracie" he said sternly making me shuffle on the swing I was still sitting on,

"No" I admitted and he shook his head slightly,

"C'mon" he instructed "let's get you back to your brother" he added making me a bit nervous. I never intend for Will to even find out!

"Do we have to?" I asked with a note of dread seeping through my tone,

"Yes we do" he insisted "you can't stay out here without an adult kiddo, it's not safe" he explained "anyway, I'm sure Will must be worried sick" he added as I jumped off the swing and took his outstretched hand. He led me in to the entrance and we had only just turned the corner in to Med when someone spotted us,

"Dr Halstead" Maggie shouted and I saw my brothers head snap over to us and breathing a sigh of relief. He was on the phone and was quick to hang up the call and tuck his phone in to his coat before walking over to us. He looked mad. The maddest I've ever seen him! I moved slightly behind Conor in a bid to shield myself from any impending punishments,

"Where have you been Gracelyn?" He demanded "no one could find you" he added making me feel a bit guilty and shuffle my converse clad shoes uncomfortably,

"I found her out on the playground" Conor informed my brother who's stare hardened even more, if that's even possible.

"Really Gracie?" He asked furiously "go back to the break room" he ordered and I hesitated "now" he said in a deathly stern voice. I didn't have to be told a third time. I was quick to drop Conor's hand and run off to the doctors lounge and Will followed not too far behind once he had called back whoever he was speaking to before."Put your things in your bag" he ordered causing me to frown,

"Why?" I asked confused but still did as I was told,

"Because Jay's coming to pick you up" he informed and my heart sank to my feet,

"I don't wanna go with Jay" I whined with tears stinging my eyes,

"Well I clearly can't trust you to stay in here by yourself and I don't have the ability to watch you twenty four seven whilst I'm working so you're gonna have to go with him" he lectured "now grab your bag and let's go" he ordered once again "do you have any idea how dangerous that was Gracie?"he asked seriously as we walked out of Med and waited for our brother to pull up in his truck,

"I just wanted to play" I mumbled and he shook his head angrily,

"You're lucky it was Conor who found you" he said making me shuffle uncomfortably. Just then Jays truck came round the corner and pulled to a stop in front of us before a stressed and unimpressed looking brother got out,

"I'm not happy Gracelyn" Jay said as he gave me a glare that I was often on the receiving end of,

"I'm sorry" I cried lightly,

"We'll deal with it at home" Will said making me whine but not reply.

"Get in the car" Jay instructed as he opened the back door for me to climb in to, not before delivering a heft swat to my dress covered behind. Jay closed the car door and talked with Will for a couple more minutes before Will walked back inside and Jay climbed in to the drivers side "what possessed you to do something so stupid?" Jay asked me as I fiddled nervously with my fingers and shrugged,

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