V- Sairu!?

Sr- Yes papa😁

V- What have you added!?

Sr- This!

She bought the box 

V- I told you you to add sugar!😶

Sr- This is sugar!

V- Uh, Sairu this is salt!😑

Sr- Whoopsies!😅

He closed his eyes and smiled sarcastically, 

Sr- Will we make it again!?

V- No, We will give your Mumma a salty cake🙂

Sr- Ewwww!!! Papa!

V- But you ruined the cake!!

Sr- Solly Papa!🥺

V- 🤦‍♂️, Both of them are the same!

V- We have to make a new one!

Sr- Yay!!

V- But! You will sit here with finger on your lips!

Sr- Ok!🙃

V- What's running in your mind!?🤨

Sr- Nothing!😗

V- Fine!

He started making the cake

Sr- Mumma likes Vanilla cake!?

He gave her a stare

Sr- 🤫🤐

He continued transferring the batter into the oven tray

V- Your Mumma likes chocolate cake!

He said to her keeping the tray in the oven

Sr- Ok!🤷‍♀️

The cake was ready in sometime

Sr- I will do the decoration!

V- ... Fine!

She went to fridge and got so many stuff 

He was looking at her with crossed arms at his chest

V- 🤨!

She was walking very slowly 

She kept the things on the shelf

Sr- Huff!

She wiped the sweat from her forehead which was not even there

V- 🤨

Sr- 😁

Sr- Mumma loves all this! Chocolates, Nutella, Candies, Fruits, Cotton Candy!

V- We are making a cake Sairu! Not a chocolate salad!🤦‍♂️

Sr- Please!😗

V- We will try!

They rolled up there sleeves

And they started decorating

Sr- Candies here!

She was instructing while, he was decorating

She took some Nutella in her finger and applied it to his cheek

V-  😑Sairu!

Sr- 🤭

She was busying licking the rest over Nutella from her finger, while he took some and applied it to her cheek

Sr- Papa!

V- 🤭

She started running after him

He ran in front, while laughing

He was standing on the couch with a cushion protecting himself, while she was standing down beating him with other cushion

V- Ok Ok, Fine it's 11:55!

Sr- Let's Wake her up!

V- Yes!

They got the cake which they made

V- Is it beautiful!?

Sr- I don't know, but Mumma will like it for sure!😁

It was 12:00 am

They kept the cake aside and climbed on her 

Shaking her up

Sr- Happy Birthday Mumma!

V- Happy Birthday!

They shouted in her ears

She was just processing what is happening

S- Thank you so much both of you!

She said hugging them

Sr- Mumma Cake!

S- You made it!?

Sr- Papa made it, I helped in decorating!

She said cutely

S- Your Papa made it!?

V- Yes!

S- Wow!

Sr- Cut it!

She blew the candles and cut the cake

And took two pieces and offered them, while they turned it and put it in her mouth 

Sr/V- How's it!?

S- Amazing! 

She said licking her fingers

V- Seriously!

S- Yes!

She offered them and ate it

Sr- It's good Papa!

V- Yes, It is Awesome! I am proud of my self!

Saira and Sai looked at each other 

Sr/S- 🤦‍♀️

And all broke out into laughter

S- Thank you both sooooo much!!

She opened her arms for a hug

They hugged her

S- I love you both soooo much!

She kissed there cheeks

Sr/V- We also love you sooooo much!

They kissed her cheeks back


Hopefully you all enjoyed!

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Tales Of Love: SaiRat❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt