"Slide takeover!"

Start from the beginning

. . .

"Huh?" Raspberry blurted bluntly.

"Sorry about her. She's dumb. I'm Raspberry Mousse."

"I am not dumb!" She huffed. "And I'm Raspberry!"

"And are you guys-"

"We are not twins." They say in unison, coldly.

"Oh!" Madeleine shifted uncomfortably. The two noticed this and softened their looks. One ran up to Madeleine and started smiling, which soon was contagious and Mousse giggled and waltzed over there.

"Sowhatdoyouwannado?" Raspberry blurts out tangled words. Madeleine taps his hand on his face.

"I do not know!"

"Wow, that contributed so much to un-boredom." Mousse slouched. Madeleine whipped his head around, almost offended by the comment. Raspberry slumped to the ground which startled the other two. She thinks for a second. In the distance she can see snobby, rich, kids that are almost twice their age not letting the other kids play. She huffed in displeasure.

"Guys we need to stop them!" Madeleine began to start,

"Stop who?-" Raspberry grabbed Madeleine's face and forced it to the scene. He made an inaudible 'Ohh' sound at her. Mousse unhinges his toy sword, Raspberry follows. Madeleine almost feels left out by the lack of weapon, but they continue to head over.

"Hey!" Raspberry stomped, the two boys following, "Let them play on the slide!" She drew her sword, but faced it at the kid's feet. The rich cookie walked towards her, towering over her and winning in height,

"Oh? And whose this little Princess?" He glances down at Raspberry, tilting his head to the side. Raspberry tightens her toy sword out of instinct, "Girls shouldn't play with swords, it's improper. And no dress? Who raised you?" 

Mousse stepped between them, "The House of Raspberry." there was the slight pause, "You know, the one whose eldest daughter takes spot of the princess spot in the Hollyberry kingdom?" The rich kid raised his eyebrows, 

"Oh! I'm so disappointed I didn't notice this before," He grabs Mousse by the chin, not gently, but just enough to make him wince, "The House of Raspberry never had much respect for properness. Men with long hair, women with unladylike clothing. Tsk, tsk..."

Madeleine butts in, "What's wrong with guys having long hair?" His long, thick, braid in a silk ribbon was around his shoulder, "My Abuelo has long hair and he's the one who made this building!" 

The whole floor went silent. The rich kid had let go of of Mousse by this point and the musketeers darted their heads at Madeleine in shock.

"Pure Vanilla?!" They whisper-yelled at him

Madeleine stared blankly, "Yeah?" Raspberry looked at Mousse and ran up to Madeleine and grabbed his tan ear, "Ow! Ow! Owww!"

"The Pure Vanilla?! Are you sure?"


"The, the," She stumbled to find words, "The one who saved millions of cookies, established peace among the cookies, and is literally the most advanced healer?"

"Also a Earthbread peace symbol, the most powerful figure in society, and the creator of Ancient cookies as a whole?" Raspberry's face drops in annoyance.

"Okay now you're just showing off, Madeleine." He giggles at her suggestion, but doesn't deny it. 

"Whatever! I'm still not going to listen to some 7 baked olds." 

"Well, fine, we'll make you listen." Raspberry pauses, then suddenly jolts forward attacking the snobby cookies shouting, "Slide takeover!"

The upperfloor was louder than ever. Every cookie had turned against the rich cookies and had strutted towards to them. There was fist fights, pushing and shoving, black eyes and bruises. The sounds on toy swords hitting dough was the loudest of all,

"Ow! Ow! Stop that you unladylike freak!" Raspberry shrieked at the comment and her face burnt up.

"Oh no you didn't!" she lunged forward at him, smacking her fists against his idiotic face.

Smack! Smack!

Clang! Clang!


The room deafened. All the cookies looked to the front of the room, standing at the door was..


Madeleine dropped the kid who he'd picked up to ambush some of the rich groups.

"Madeleine? What is all the ruckus?" Raspberry, Mousse, and Madeleine all exchange looks.


"So let me get this straight... you met Hollyberry's friends kids and decieded to pick a fight with them while the meeting was active?" Pure Vanilla scolded, so did Mrs. Madeleine. 

"No no! We only picked a fight because the kid thought the slide was his and wouldn't let any other kid use it!"

Raspberry looks up, "Also because we were a little bit bored." She flashed a quick smile before dropping it.

Pure Vanilla walks up to Madeleine with a soft face and cups one cheek with his hand, "Oh mi nieto... you know you could've just told me!..." he reassured, "Before you ruined the meeting with the most powerful leaders in all of Earthbread!" His tone switched rapidly

"I know I know Abuelo! And I'm sorry!" He hung his head low in regret. 

"We are also really sorry too, Mr. Pure Vanilla Sir." Mousse spoke up.

"Well," He pouts, "You better be, because I'm enrolling you all in my old magic school for 3 years!"

"3 years?!"

Little did they understand that those 3 years would lead to a life long friendship and a bond so strong that not even diamonds could cut through it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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