Chapter 20 (Summer)

Start from the beginning

What felt like ten minutes later, she felt someone shaking her awake. Charlotte didn't remember falling asleep, but somehow she did.

"Charlotte, wake up, we have to go! Sirius, go find Harry!" James was shouting, as Sirius raced out of the tent with his wand still in hand.

"It's happening, isn't it?" Charlotte asked, as she stood up and put her shoes on.

"What?" James asked,

"Never mind, let's go," Charlotte said, as she ran out after James.

She pushed open the tent flap and felt her breath catch in her throat. Tents were burning, people were running towards the woods. There was a group of what, Charlotte knew as the death eaters, marching together through the crowds of people, laughing at the four muggles who were floating in the air.

"Charlotte, run towards the woods and stay there. I have to go help the Ministry, okay?" James asked. She nodded, unable to say anything.

"Good, go!" James yelled. Charlotte nodded and started running towards the woods. People were pushing into her and screaming into her ears.


Finally, Charlotte had made it towards the heart of the woods, where the trees were so tall, and the branches so long that no light was entering the forest. She looked in her pockets but couldn't find her wand anywhere.

"Damn it!" She huffed, remembering she didn't grab it when she left the tent. Charlotte tried to feel her way towards where she was. She knew Ron, Harry, and Hermione were going to be here somewhere, but she didn't know exactly where.

Charlotte stumbled over a large tree root and twisted her ankle.

"Ugh," Charlotte groaned as she sat up. She felt a horrible pain in her foot and felt blood stain her jeans. There was a deep cut across all along her ankle.

Charlotte heard a twig snap and felt her heart drop to her stomach.

Please don't be a death eater.

She thought as she turned her head around.

Draco's bright hair was very noticeable. Even in the dark, he had lit up the tip of his wand. He pointed his wand towards the dark figure he saw.

"Put your light away. It's too bright."

"Why are you on the ground?" He asked as he pointed his wand away from her face.

"Why are you standing?"

"Are you hurt?" He asked, noticing the blood on her jeans, which were getting darker.


"I see the blood,"

"I don't see a thing." Charlotte shrugged as she started standing up. She hissed on the pain in her foot, and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Stop moving, you're obviously in pain."

"It doesn't hurt." She breathed, as she grabbed onto a tree trunk, and rested her head against the tree. But it did. Charlotte closed her eyes and signed.

"I don't know the spell for healing it," Draco muttered. Charlotte shrugged.

"I'm fine. I just need to walk back to my dad, and I'll be fine."

"It's dark. Let me help you."

"Yes, and walk me straight to the death eaters?" Charlotte snapped. Draco said nothing until he walked up to Charlotte, who still had her eyes closed, and picked her up, bridal style.

"What are you doing?" She yelled, opening her eyes.

"Taking you back to your dad! You're in no state to fight." He said.

"Take my wand and lead the way. I can't hold the wand, and hold you."

"Don't hold me then."

"Charlotte, stop fighting, shut up, and deal with it." She signed, grabbed his wand from him, and held it out, lighting up the path.

Draco and Charlotte walked through the woods silently. Draco was trying not to smirk at Charlotte's annoyed face as she glared up at him.

"You're heavy, you know that?" Draco joked, trying to break the awkward silence. Charlotte gasped and tried to wiggle out of his grip.

"Excuse me! I didn't ask you to pick me up"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He said and gripped onto her tighter. She tried to fight the blush that appeared on her face as Draco kept walking.

"Charlotte! Charlotte!" They heard several people calling from a short distance.

"Dad!" Charlotte shouted back. James heard her voice and ran towards it.

"Charlotte! Thank god-why are you holding her?" He asked Draco, glaring at him.

"She cut her ankle. It's bleeding a lot. She couldn't walk," Draco explained, as Charlotte got down and James helped her steady herself.

"How did you get hurt?" James asked.

"I forgot my wand, and it was too dark. I couldn't see anything."

"I'll see you at school, Draco. Thank you." She grudgingly said. Draco nodded before walking back into the forest. James glared at the back of his head.

"You're too young for boys." He said,


"I'm just saying you are way too young for boys. I don't like this. Not at all. I'm owling your mother." Charlotte chuckled before rolling her eyes.

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