After another two minutes he took my hand and brought me to an iron door. We went in. This place is bigger than I expected guards were standing in the corridor which we were walking. I saw so many doors, one of them had so many computer.

Then he took me to a room that was like a living room. As we walked in he pushed me to the wall in front of the door.


Bucky pov:

There were nobody just the two of us in the bar me and Sam. We were waiting at the door.

It's been five minutes and she still in there. And her earpiece isn't working. I looked at Sam but he was looking at me. Great. We both don't know what's going on. The plan was that, that Y/n get in and six minutes later when nobody is out there conscious she open the door for us.

It's now six minutes. I started to worry but then I heard the door open and.

- Sorry it took that long but there were so many guards. - she said out of breath. Maybe she was running.

- No problem. Just next time don't forget your earpiece. - I said.

- Okay. But now come in. - she said.

I stepped in after Sam and saw Y/n fully. Her hands was bloody.

- Oh don't worry it's not my blood. - she said as she saw our face.

I looked around the corridor and saw dead men all around.

- As I said. There were so many guards. - she said.

- I see. - Sam said. - But why are your hands al bloody if most of them are shooted? -


Y/n pov:

Six minutes ago.

I was there pushed to the wall by the person I hate the most. And he started kissing my neck. I move my hands from his neck to his chest. I could feel his heart beating under my hand.

Fury said no killing until I get in so. Wait I'm in now that means I could. But then I can't get out. But you know. I don't care I just want to kill him.

I left my hand over his heart and the next second a stone knife was in his heart he screamed out in pain.

- I'm sorry for this but I need you to stay here. - I said and pulled out the knife. Then kneeled next to him. - I'm sorry darling. - and went away.

I heard on his phone ringing. Maybe they heard him screaming. I picked it up.

- Who is it? - I asked.

- It's a guard. I heard screaming. Can I talk to Maxim? - he asked.

- He can't come to the phone right now. - I said.

- Why? - he asked.

- Why? - I asked back smiling. - 'Cause he is dead. - I said and started searching for my gun.

The next second five guard ran into the room. I shoot them as soon they saw me.

When I walked out the room I made some knife and throw them to the guard's heart. I shooted the others. I need to shoot some of them twice.

I walked to the door I knew I'm out of the six minutes, and opened the door.

- Sorry it took that long but there were so many guards. - I said.

- No problem. Just next time don't forget your earpiece. - Bucky said.

- Okay. But now come in. - I said.

They stepped in and they saw my hands. I forgot to clean it. I saw them standing in shock.

- Oh don't worry it's not my blood. - I said.

I watched them look around in the room.

- As I said. There were so many guards. - I said.

- I see. - Sam said. - But why are your hands al bloody if most of them are shooted?

- Because I kinda stabbed Maxim. -

- Who? - Sam asked.

- The guy who walked in with me. - I said.

- Why? - Bucky asked.

- 'Cause he was an asshole. -

- But Fury said not to kill anyone. - Bucky said.

- Until we got in. - I finished. - Anyway. I saw a room full of computers. That way. - and I started walking to were I saw it.

We went in and started downloading files. Like where are other bases and who are leaders.

When we finished we walked out of the building to the car. Sam sat down to the wheel and Bucky next to him. I sat in the middle seat of the back row.

The rode to Shield was peaceful and in silence. When we arrived we went to Fury's office and Sam gave him the USB flash drive with the information.

- Well it was good working with you guys. - I said and started walking to my room when I heard Sam walking towards me.

- Hey I was wondering if you don't want to come with us tomorrow to my sister. She would like you really. - he said.

- I would love that. - I said.


Bucky's pov:

It's been more than month since our first mission. We had more but they weren't really hard. And Y/n was with us with every single one. After our first mission she started to get more open and let people in like Sarah and the guys.

Sarah really liked her. When I looked at them I always saw them laughing or gossiping.

The kids really liked her and after she told them she have powers they were all around her.

It was about 2am. when I woke up from a nightmare. I have them rarely but if I do it's so bad. I was walking to the kitchen for a glass of water when I saw Y/n sleeping with earphone on the couch. I could see she was crying.

I saw her like this before she said she had nightmare but now it's strange 'cause she looked like she was smiling. I grabbed her phone to put it on charger because she can't live without her phone.

I took it but it was open and what I saw was shocking.

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