Chapter Two

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"What do you want White?" She asks, you can hear the annoyance in her tone

"I just wanted to talk is all" I say

"So talk" she snaps

"How was your summer?" I ask. She is genuinely shocked by my question

"It was good, I finished the book series I was reading" she says

"You spent your entire summer reading?" I say

She rolls her eyes, gets up from her seat, and walks away from me. Before I could say anything the bell rings for class to start. I guess she thought I was being rude whenever I said that. I really need to start being more careful with my words. I leave the library and make my way to my first class.

Elsa Winters

He is so infuriating, I can't believe I fell for his little trick. It's not like he would ever be interested in me anyways. He's a popular kid who can literally get any girl that he wants and I'm just a nerd. Anyways, I make my way to my first class which would be maths with Mr. North. I enter the classroom and take my usual seat which would be in the back. I set my bag down, take my seat, and read my book as the other students come in. As everyone comes in I get lost into my book, I don't look up until I hear someone sit down in the desk next to me. I look up and see Punzie.

"Hey Els" she cheerfully says

"Hey Punz" I say back while putting my book down

"Whatcha reading?" She asks cheerfully

"It's about humans and vampires living amongst each other" I say

"Ooo sounds interesting" she says

"It really is. It's full of romance, horror, and suspense" I say

"That sounds really good. Could I possibly borrow that book once you get done with it? I'd like to give it a try" she asks

"Yes of course I will let you know whenever I get done with it. And that shouldn't be to long" I say jokingly

"You are pretty fast at reading" she says

We both laugh at what she says and continue talking. Before I know it another person sits down infront of me. We both look to see who it is and it's White, of course just my luck. I lean back into the chair and groan.

"What's with that reaction when you see me?" He asks me

Punzie snickers quietly which causes him to look over at her.

"Is it some sort of joke that I am unaware of or something?" He asks more confused than ever now

"Nope. She just doesn't like you" she says

"Why not?" He asks looking at me

"Because you're annoying, you make fun of me and my interests, you've been with pretty much every girl in this school, and you're just wanting me to pay attention to you so you can brag and tell everyone that you got with the nerdy girl" I say

Before he has the chance to respond back to me the teacher walks in.

"I am your teacher Mr. North. I will be calling out your names, if you are here please say here" he says

He starts saying our names one by one and everyone responds to him when there name is called. After taking attendance he gives our assignment and we work on that for the rest of the class period. The bell rings and everyone packs up their stuff and leaves the room. As I am walking to my next class I hear Jack calling my name from behind me. I stop walking and wait for him to catch up.

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