"Your brother's stallion is doing well today, eh?" The men nodded at me with cheeky grins, causing my cheeks to flare in embarrassment.

"What?" I giggled as a mousy smile spread across my face.

"Forget us, eh? Ya' lookin' for Tommy." Arthur teased, shooting me a playful grin as John puffed on his cigar with a brazen hue in his blue eyes.


"No need to explain, Love. Tommy is inside. Second floor. He's watching from there." I took Arthur's word. However, before I reached the second floor, I noticed Charles strutting in the lobby. It was as if he was waiting for me to appear.

"I was just coming to see how you were doing." I tried to sound truthful, but it was challenging to perform all the time.

"Were you? Or were you looking for Thomas Shelby?" He snarled. His lip curled in contempt as the taste of Thomas's name burned disgust into his mouth.

"I was worried about you, Charles." I placed a hand on his arm, wishing he would believe me. It seemed to be no use.

"You have some history with this Shelby, don't you?"

"No, I told you he-"

"Well, I just found out that Thomas Shelby is from Small Heath." Charles snapped as he sent me a glare that burned into my soul. According to Charles, in Small Heath, I slept with Thomas Shelby. Even though I didn't, Charles's beliefs were concocting in his head. He would believe something made up until steam burst from his ears.

As predicted, Charles forcefully gripped my arm, leading me to a less populated spot. Who knew what he was capable of doing. It took a pinch of jealousy for him to see red.

"Fucking whore!" He growled as his bitter hand stung my cheek. After being with Charles for one week, bruises lined my arms. The once purple marks that lay on the temples of my head faded to a soft yellow. If I married him, I would be black and blue forever.

"Excuse me?" I bellowed as I desperately tried to wiggle out of his humiliating grasp. Charles gained strength in an envious rage, and there was nothing I could do to escape his wrath. He had a power over me that he adored.

"You have a history with that fucking Brummie! Well, I will see that you two never encounter each other again! No more races, no more going to Birmingham, nothing!" Charles seethed as a veil of hostility glossed over his eyes. Knowing that if I stayed for a second longer, Charles would strike me until I saw stars, I mustered enough strength to break out of his grasp.

"I never fucked a man in my life, and I'm sure if I did fuck Thomas Shelby, he'd be twice the man you are." I hissed at Charles as I pleasantly watched him get a taste of his own medicine- pain and ridicule. Free from his controlling hands, I rushed to the staircase to look for any Shelby man. I had to be quick because Charles was often quicker.

"Adeline!" Charles stammered through his teeth as he threw his hands on me. I wasn't fast enough.

"The race is over. There are drinks and dancing in the lobby. Upper class only, and we are attending together." Charles quickly regained his calm as pairs of eyes were on us. It was clear that I would have to stick with Charles for the entire event. I had to do it if I desired freedom.

The racecourse lobby was a nest of simmering celebration. A live jazz band buzzed while affluent men and women indulged in bubbly champagne and full cigars. Charles knew man after man, and with me wrapped around his arm, I sparked curiosity and conversation.

"You need a new horse trainer!" Charles bellowed to one of the prominent men who sat in a booth with young women encircling him.

"The race was fixed! Some gypsy scum owns the winning horse. Fucking tinker screwed the race!" The man grunted as he practically chewed on his cigar with vexation. As much as I wanted to defend Thomas, I bit my tongue. A part of me clung to the idea of seeing Thomas today.

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