No matter the circumstances

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AN: I wrote this based on a quote from Black Hearts by Nicole Castroman, and a poem from R.H. Sin, I hope this reaches her in time. I do not own the quote or the poem, I only own the plot.

"And I believe if you truly love someone, you let that person know you will always be there for them, no matter the circumstances."

Elena: I know it may not help at all, but I'm sorry for what you and your family are going through. Nobody deserves parents like yours.

Elijah, sitting on Elena's window seat, looked over at Elena for a second before looking back out the window.

Elijah: No need for you to apologize, it's not your fault. It's mine for thinking that my love- that our love and us being a family again would be enough... but apparently not. Apparently in this family love means always fighting and trying to kill each other. At least when it comes to our parents.

Elena sighed a bit. Getting up from her bed she walked over to him, waiting for him to put his leg down before sitting. She smiled a bit as she grabbed his hand, making sure he's looking at her.

Elena: And I believe if you truly love someone, you let that person know you will always be there for them, no matter the circumstances. It's obvious that your parents don't believe the same. If they did, I'm sure you'd be at home working on being a family again.

There was a moment of silence before he started talking.

Elijah: You're right. If only it were that way...

Elena frowned a bit, seeing how broken he is over this. It was then that she remembered a poem she read that rang true for him.

Elena: "My heart breaks with yours. My soul, just as restless as your own. I fall beside you. I understand your silence, and you are not alone."

Elena smiled a bit as he squeezed her hand.

Elena: "You deserve so much more than what you've been given. You owe it to yourself to give yourself the love that you've misplaced in others." In this case others being your parents. You and your siblings are more than what your parents make you out to be. You're not monsters.

Elijah looked down a bit.

Elijah: You don't know our past, my past. The things we've done.

Elena shocked her head.

Elena: You are not your past. That's the thing about the past, sometimes it can be forgiven. You and your siblings are an exception. Screw your parents, they don't define you. They're not even good examples of parents. They're the ones who are the monsters, not your siblings and especially not you.

Elijah smiled a little.

Elijah: Will you always be there for me, no matter the circumstances?

She smiled at him.

Elena: Of course.

He titled his head.

Elijah: Why? And when you called me over, you said you wanted to help. Why is that?

Elena: Because I want to help. You're my friend, why wouldn't I?

Elena took a breath.

Elena: And because I love you.

Elijah: I love you too.

AN: This just something I found in my google docs. I thought it was too sweet not to share.

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