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****Author's Note: Updates will be slower after this chapter, as I am still writing the next section.  Please comment and provide suggestions on where Runa and Loki's adventure takes them.

I woke the next morning to find Loki reading a letter edged in gold - that meant only one person - Frigga. Apparently, Odin was ill, and she wanted us to return to Asgard. Thor and Jane's wedding was happening in a few weeks as well, so we would have to return either way.

We said our farewells and stepped out to the balcony as Loki called for the Bifrost. Have I mentioned how much I hate the Bifrost? Thousands of years popping all over the expanse of time and space, but that freaky light ride always makes me nauseous - maybe it's the lights? Oh well, whatever it is, I just barely managed to keep my stomach in place when we arrived.

Loki took one look at my slightly green complexion and commented, "Maybe I should just let you drive next time, love?"

I nodded and gave him a weak smile as he helped me onto his horse. I loved riding against his chest. It made me think of the ride the day after our bonding at Yggdrasil.

"Maybe we should find that pond and tree," Loki smirked as he picked up on my memory. I blushed and buried my face against his chest, making him let out a rumbling laugh. Once the horse was tucked away in the stables, we made our way towards the throne room. Frigga met us in the hallway. I could see the panic in her eyes.

"Mother, what is it?" Loki asked, taking her arm. He led her to a small alcove and sat next to her.

Frigga looked exhausted. Her face was pale and drawn as if she hadn't slept in weeks. "Your Father," she saw Loki bristle at the word, "Odin hasn't been himself. He's having fits of anger, forgetfulness, and then sudden bursts of emotional behavior. I don't understand it." She began to sob softly as Loki pulled her against him.

The way she described his behavior, it made me think of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Is that even possible? That wasn't a disease that gods in my timeline could develop, but with this merged timeline, who knows.

"Loki, I might be able to help," I said softly. He looked at me in confusion. "Maybe I can look in his mind and see if something is causing this or if it is an illness." I knew Loki could do this as well, but all things considered, I doubted he would feel comfortable doing it. Not to mention, Odin would most likely freak out about Loki poking in his head. I'm fairly certain he won't be thrilled about me doing it either, but I didn't care.

Frigga looked up at me, "Is it safe?"

"I think it would be. Loki can be my anchor if it would make you both feel better," I offered.

Loki stood, coming to stand in front of me. "Are you sure you're up to this?" I knew he was worried about the mind manipulation Thanos had put me through, but this was different. I was going into this knowing it wasn't my mind or memories. I may not be Odin's biggest fan, but I did love Frigga and I couldn't stand to see her hurting.

"I promise, I'm okay. We can do a binding spell to help keep me tethered to you while I'm under. If you sense me in distress, then pull me out of his mind." I waited as he considered my suggestion. I could see the hope in Frigga's eyes. I think Loki did too because once he looked at her, he agreed to it.

The first thing I noticed was the winter landscape. The frozen ground crunched under my feet as I walked closer to the hunched figure I assumed was Odin. He looked so ancient and frail, like an ice sculpture that could shatter at any moment. His face and hair had a sheen of ice on them and he was mumbling to himself.

"Odin?" I said softly. He spun around and looked at me in confusion. HIs eyes seemed clouded and confused. He took a tentative step towards me then dropped to his knees, grasping at the ground as if he were looking for something. He seemed frantic as his hands plowed through the snow and ice. "Odin, what are you searching for?" I asked, taking another step towards him.

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