"Well you remembered the moments leading up to it. Maybe not detail to detail but you remember enough. Honey" she pushed him back a little with a hand still resting on his shoulder. "Your team was in a terrible car accident. Your driver went through the light as normal but a drunk driver hit you guys. You were found completely unconscious and several of you teammates were injured."

Shoyo stared at his mother in disbelief. Four years of unconsciousness with a broken team that no longer exists because everyone graduated. He wanted to ask another question but he didn't. He was scared to know the answer to it. Once they left he stared out his window and sighed. What would happen to him now? He was an un-graduated adult with no talents other than his skills in volleyball. He could aim to get His GED but would that be enough for the better of the colleges. He still wanted a chance to play with the bests schools. It was slim. Very very slim but he would work to make it happen. In the meantime he just wanted to close his eyes and sleep through the rest of the day.

A weak past and throughout that week Shoyo had several people visiting him. To name a few they would be; Aone, Mad dog, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Akaashi, Ushijima, Ennoshita, Nishinoya, tanaka and his older sister along with many others. Even Tsukishima came to say hi and wish him well. Today though would be an exciting day. He would get to see his old Team captain Sawamura Daichi, the mom of the team Koushi Sugawara and of course Asahi Azumane. The time ticked by while he watched the door waiting for them to come occasionally stealing a glance out of his window. The door creaked open and in walked the three people Shoyo has been dying to see.

"Suga! Daichi! Asahi!" He said each name his eyes sparkling with the biggest grin on his face.

"Hey there, Hinata. It's been a long time" Suga smiled back at Shoyo ruffling up his messy bed hair, "Looks like you could use a hair cut."

"Yeah maybe we can talk you into it unlike someone we know." Diachi looked back at Asahi who just shook his head.

"C'mon you guys. Didn't we settle this in high school." Asahi looked at them practically begging them to stop. Shoyo laughed as they bantered back and forth about Asahi's hair for a few moments.

"So Hinata how are you feeling?" Daichi asked as they settled their bantering.

"I'm as good as one can be. I mean four years in a coma. That's not an easy thing to digest." He took a moment to himself so he could talk without breaking down. "To be honest I'm a little worried about what my future holds for me."

The three men looked worryingly down at their small friend. None of them knew what to say to make him feel better.

"Hey uh guys? Where's Kageyama?" Shoyo looked at each one waiting for a reply. It's been on his mind for a while. He couldn't quite picture his future with out him in it.

"He couldn't make it here to see you and probably won't be able to for a while. He's busy with work." Daichi replied.

"Work? Would he really consider being a pro athlete work?" Shoyo smiled at the thought of his friend, well honestly his crush, getting the limelight in college with his outstanding performance as a setter.

"Well uh." Diachi looked over at Suga for help.

"I'm assuming you know about the crash right?" Suga asked.

"Y-yes" Shoyo hesitated to answer unsure if he wanted to hear the rest of this conversation. Sensing the hesitation Suga continued on talking taking his time to choose the right words.

"He isn't able to play volleyball anymore. So instead of dwelling on what he couldn't change he pushed forward to do better things." Suga smiled down at Shoyo. It was a reassuring smile.

Till I see you again.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt