Cedric's NEW Apprentice

Start from the beginning

                     Sofia said a big thank you and gave Cedric a hug. "Well it's an easy spell, I learned it the first week of sorcery school." Cedric said awkwardly. Freya said incredulously, "And you never taught me that?" "You're always reading your books you never learn anything!" "You gave me those books to keep me busy in the first place!" Sofia had to break up what looked like was turning into a magic duel. "You're so good at magic Mr Ceedric, why couldn't you turn the gargoyles into golden horses?" asked Sofia. Before Cedric could answer, Freya said bluntly, "He gets nervous around your dad." Cedric scowled at her while she grinned. When Sofia asked why Freya too couldn't do the spell either, Cedric said it was because she hadn't done the spell before, much to Freya's displeasure.

                    Sofia said she would get King Roland to see what great magic users they were, saying see you tomorrow while saying their names wrong again. Freya looked at Cedric, "I think at this point she's doing it to mess with us.". After dinner, Sofia told Freya and Cedric that they would perform in a magic sorcery show the night after tomorrow. "You want us to be common entertainers?" Freya said in disgust, thinking that performing was far beneath her. Cedric said, "King Roland has never asked for a royal sorcery show before, especially not for a visiting king! We'll be performing for 2 kings, Freya!". 

                   "Your show, is the same day as my test. We can help each other get ready!" Sofia exclaimed. Cedric agreed. "Come on Freya, we need to get you off your books." said Sofia as she pulled the book Freya was reading out of her hands. "What?!". There was then a montage of the three of them practicing magic. Sofia and Freya both improved, and Sofia even surpassed Freya by being able to perform wordless magic before she did, much to her displeasure. Cedric also continued to fail in making the invisibility potion which Freya completely forgot about, which he planned to use during the show to take Sofia's amulet. 

                     Freya left the workshop first and saw Sofia off the next day. Freya crystal gazed in her mirror and saw Sofia take the test. Which consisted of only 3 spells. "Why did she turn a lime into a head of lettuce then?" Freya said to herself. Amber and James did as well as Sofia, but Sofia got a gold star, seemingly because she finished the test fastest. 

                    Of course the first thing Sofia did was flex around her gold star on her sorcery test. For some reason, while King Roland sat on his own throne, Queen Miranda sat on James' throne, Amber sat on Miranda's throne and James was sitting on Sofia's. How that happened Freya did not know. Amber scowled when Sofia showed her the gold star. As if she didn't also take the test, sitting right next to her. 

                   "Oh look at you, our little sorceress!" Miranda exclaimed. "Excuse me?" Freya wanted to say. "You're not STILL watching your crystal mirror are you?" Cedric said, "Are you able to do spells without the constant need of a book?" "Maybe." said Freya with a grin. Cedric then asked, "So, will you be wearing your witch outfit or will you be wearing your normal robes?" "Very funny. Which outfit I wear will depend on my mood. And today calls for a robe day.".

                    Sofia arrived to the workshop in her hat and robe and they all went down to the throne room. Freya wondered what they did sitting there all day. They got ready and because Sofia learns from her mistakes she puts the lizard potion back in Cedric's bag, rather than leaving it out on display like the others.

                  The curtains opened, and Cedric's voice cracked as he said, "Good evening!" he made a good first start, until Freya overheard King Roland say, "This is going to be a disaster...". "But but but first things first, my apprentice the royal sorceress in training, Freya will go first." said Cedric. "My sorcerer does not have another under his training, perhaps I can persuade him to..." said King Magnus. 

                      Freya stepped forward along with Sofia, holding a potion bottle, and dropped it, enveloping herself and Sofia in smoke. They then stepped out and Freya instead of her blue robes and hat, wore Sofia's, and Sofia vice versa. Amber and James applauded. "I'm going to need an audience volunteer, Princess Amber what about you?" said Freya. After seeing the clothes-swapping trick Amber excitedly ran up. "I'll need your tiara for this one.". Amber reluctantly handed over her tiara, and Freya used her wand to duplicate it. Using the replica, Freya tapped it with her wand, changing the gems' colours from yellowish green to pink. then Sofia brought over a cauldron which was see-through on one side. When Freya put the tiara duplicate under the cauldron, the gems glowed brightly. 

                     Freya gave the duplicate tiara to Amber who wore it the remainder of the performance. The children clapped loudly when it was over, even though it was mediocre at best. But the adults looked satisfied. Now it was Cedric's turn. Sofia brought over her rabbit. Oh boy. He made Clover the rabbit spin-bounce instead of fly like intended, and Freya let out a small "Ooh!" every time Clover landed. Clover eventually stopped, and was very, very dizzy. Freya said, "Yeah, this rabbit will be off the show for medical reasons..." and passed him to Sofia who carried him off. 

                       Cedric's performance did not go very well. He kept stuttering and forgetting his spells. "Mr Ceedric is too nervous! If only he did a spell he knew really well!" exclaimed Sofia, "Like a trick he knew in the first week of sorcery school!" she said taking out the lizard potion. "I'll spill the potion, you make sure it gets you." Freya whispered. Sofia said nervously, "I hope this works." She made it look like she was going to get a potion, and took out the bottle containing the glowing yellow fluid. Freya then fake-tripped over her robe and secretly uncorked the bottle, so Sofia who was holding it, spilled some on herself. 

                     "Sofia spilled a potion on herself!" James exclaimed, getting up from his throne. Sofia let out a big squeak as she once again transformed into a small purple lizard. Queen Miranda exclaimed, "Sofia!". Freya picked her up and rubbed her on the head. "Still adorable." she commented. "Someone do something!" the king said loudly. "Lizardo changeo!" Cedric said, and lizard Sofia changed back into human Sofia, who landed on and nearly squished Freya. "I see now why he told me to put you down before he changed you back..." she wheezed.

                      Everyone cheered and King Roland said thanked Cedric, "You saved Sofia's life!" "I... saved her life?" Freya thought otherwise. Sofia was never in any real danger, a lizard forever at worst. King Roland then said Cedric was the best in the land. Freya rolled her eyes, talk about a complete 180 degrees, and because of 1 harmless transformation spell. But she knew better than to absolutely obliterate her teacher's self confidence and completely embarrass the royals, mostly the former. 

                      Cedric then went through character development, and during the last trick, instead of using the invisibility potion he perfected to take Sofia's amulet, he poured it on Clover. King Magnus said, "My sorcerer has never made a potion like that before! Cedric is a great sorcerer!". And everyone clapped.

                         In Cedric's workshop, Cedric talked about the performance happily, and Sofia being the kind person that she is, gave Cedric her gold star from her test. "It was fun being your apprentice." she said, giving him her hat back. Cedric was too moved to correct her pronunciation of his name. Wormwood squawked, "Oh pipe down Wormy, we can always take over the kingdom, tomorrow." said Cedric as he looked at the gold star.

                    Freya looked over and saw the rubies that Sofia transformed were placed in a way that formed a heart. She smirked and glanced at her teacher. "And you said I was going soft." "Go to bed Freya.".

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