Immortal Carnation

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They've been working "together" for years. Their kingdoms have been working on an alliance and the king of Enzo's and the queen of Issac's kingdom get along great. It's their right hands, Issac and Enzo that aren't getting along. 

Not only have their kingdoms been against each other their whole lives but so have their families. 

It started as someone taking a cow or two and the other trying to get them back, fistfights and arguments. It makes meetings a very tense place to be. 

"All I'm saying is that if we do this, not only are we going to have so many casualties it's not worth it in the long run," Enzo said and Issac huffed. 

"Then what? We just roll over and let them walk all over us?" Issac asked. 

"See this is why I don't like working with him," Enzo said looking at the king and queen then back at Issac, "No. We attack a few days early. Then they won't be expecting it and we have the chance to overpower them," Enzo said and Issac rolled his eyes, despite thinking that it was a good idea. 

"But what if they're already ready?" Issac asked. 

"If they were ready we'd be fighting already," Enzo sighed and leaned back on his chair. 

"That's a good point. If they were truly ready then they'd be on us already and I think that we're going to have to let the peace talk cease because they are insufferable," the queen said. 

"Thank you," Enzo said looking at her and then back at Issac, "looks like we're all on the same page except for you." 

"I think it'll work," Issac said and the king took off his glasses. 

"Then it's settled. We'll attack five days early and I'll notify the commander. If I have to listen to you two bicker for another minute today I'm going to resign," The king said and rubbed the bridge of his nose. 

"Thank you, sir. Have a good day," Enzo said and quickly packed up his things and left. He was unfortunately closely followed by Issac. 

"You know, for someone who claims to not like fighting, you're good at making plans to do so," Issac's voice followed Enzo through the corridor. Enzo rolled his eyes as he walked away. 

"I just know how to choose my battles," Enzo replied, "example A. Walking away from this one," He said and took a turn down a hall that he doesn't usually go down. 

"Hey now. There's no need for such hostility," Issac replied and Enzo whipped around on his heel. 

"If you keep talking to me about things that are not work-related, I'll show you hostility," Enzo snapped, staring into Issac's soul. 

"That's hot," Issac whispered without thinking and he caught a glimpse of Enzo's face turning pink before he huffed, turned around and kept walking. 

"You're intolerable," Enzo grumbled. Issac kept following him though. Blabbering on about something with his stupid fucking voice that Enzo is only half paying attention to. Enzo kept catching reflections of the two of them and Enzo rolls his eyes every time he sees Issac's stupid ass handsome face. And the fact that Issac's four inches taller than him. And more muscular. 

Enzo went upstairs to his office to drop off his notebook and he, unfortunately, didn't lose Issac on his way up. 

Enzo put his book down, turned around with crossed arms and leaned on the heavy wooden desk. He looked up at Issac and his green eyes met annoyingly warm brown eyes. 

"Can you leave?" Enzo sighed. 

"Why? Is it too hot in here for you with me here?" Issac smirked. 

"No but it will be if you don't leave in the next ten seconds," Enzo replied flatly. 

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