the text

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time skip: 3 months later

Y/n pov:

Three months had passed since that day at the cafe, neither him nor his girlfriend have come in again. but how can you blame them if you knew where your ex of 7 years worked would you go there on dates with your new girlfriend. I still think of him all the time and often find myself wondering what he was doing. I sometimes have the urges to text him but I  never do, to tell him thank you for the tip or apologizing for causing a fight with his girlfriend.

I call my best friend Tasha to get my mind off of him we talk on the phone for about an hour until I just invite Tasha over to my apartment for dinner and to watch some movies. Tasha agrees, and comes over. As we are about to start the movie I suddenly feel like I have to tell Tasha about the interaction at my job

"i saw him" I blurt out, Tasha turns her head from the tv to look at me, I am now on the brink of tears.

"What, when did this happen" Tasha responds with a bit of worry in her voice.

"Like 2 or 3 moths ago, it was when i first started working at the café" I answer looking down not wanting to look at my worried friend

"And you just thought to tell me this now?" she yells back in response

"hey y/n, are you ok" Tasha lifts my head up, only to see streams of tears rushing down my face. She pulls me into a tight hug and I tell her everything, I worry it was hard to make out what I am saying considering I have my face buried in my friends shirt and was sobbing. After I am done explaining, I lift my head and wipe my tears with my sleeve.

"I've been wanting to reach back out to him to apologize for what happened that day but i never did" I say as I try to catch my breath.

Even though we both know that I just wanted and excuse to talk to him. Tasha knows how much I miss him even if I don't talk about him much.

She was there when we first started dating and knew how strong of a bond we had, she knew how bad it had hurt me when I broke up with gristle and she was there for me every step of the way. She helped me regain my confidence that was taken from me, helped me mend my broken heart , and was there for me when everyone else abandoned me.

I pull her in for one more hug. before we even had a chance to start the movie  we hear a buzzzzz

I check my phone to look at the notification, it was a text from a unknown number.
(###) ###-####

hi :)

who is this

who do you think it is

Santa claus?

guess again

just tell me who this is
read 8:45

I am hoping this it was gristle  but I don't want to get my hopes up. Why would he text me  anyway its almost been two years since they broke up and he has a new girlfriend.
(###) ###-####

oh come on don't act like you don't know


who's Anderson? is he your new boyfriend.


the word "new" confirmed that it was gristle, I decide to play dumb and pretend not to notice

(###) ###-####

Anderson is my sisters fiancé

y/n I'm just gonna tell you
its me gristle


ik im probably not the person you want to talk to rn but i need to get somethings off my chest

you're right you're the last person i want to hear from right now
just say what you want to say so we can get this over with

i broke up with her y/n.
i have always missed you cheating on you was the worst decision of my life and i would give anything to change what i did.


you dont have to say anything i just wanted to tell you.

Goodnight y/n

I stand there in shock at what I just read I decide to just set my phone down and watch the movie.

AN: thats it for chapter 2 i know it was very short but i hoped you enjoyed it I wrote fast and edited this chapter really fast. I think the next chapter will have gristles pov i dont really know.

a year later (king gristle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now