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So i'm 16. I'm curently living with my mom. My dad died last year in a mortor cycle accident, after i begged him not to ride it. He didn't listen to me, nobody ever does. It feels like i never get a say so in things like having to go to a different home all the time, i'll be going to another one soon if my mom keeps drinking. The only person who really even listened to half the shit i say is my boyfriend, He might be the only one that gets me. Sometimes i feel like everyone should hate me because of all the shit i do or say. My boyfriend apecailly,Because of all the things ive said to him that i regret. sometimes i wander why he's still with me, or why he cares so much. I'm always getting yelled at for every little mistake, even when it's not my fault. I cry alot, sometimes for no reason sometimes because i feel unwanted.

When i think about something to hard, and it bothers me, i do stupid things. Stupid things that i really shouldn't do, i know i shouldn't but i do it anyway. Because sometimes i can't help it.

Sometimes I wish I was dead or that my mom had an abortion. Because I don't feel like...i should be here.

Sometimes i get Suicidal when im lonely. That hasn't happened in a while though.

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