2 - Spot The Criminal

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"So, now that we've officially finished out join paper; we should have sex."

Peter Parker choked on the soda can, spilling the sparkling strawberry drink down his shirt. He coughed, glaring over at Debra Whitman. "Wh- what?" His spider-sense was invaluable when it came to dodging bullets, but did nothing to help dodge awkward conversations.

Debra Whitman. Peter had made it into ESU with a biochemistry scholarship. Debra with physics. She'd introduced herself first day of Dr. Martha Connors classing, joking she was his rival, and she would use all of her dark powers to destroy him.

Both being top of the class meant they'd been partnered up a few times, worked together on a few projects. Peter had thought their relationship was purely academic.

Until she'd bluntly suggested having sex, in the middle of the ESU cafeteria no less. Students walking around with trays, or greasy crumbled brown bags of fast food. Thanks to his spider-sense and heightened senses, Peter was well away of the senior staring at his laptop, silently sobbing as he vigorously typed. And the members of the Blip club, pouring over archives of newspaper clippings to catch on the news they'd missed for the past five years.

None of them seemed to have noticed Debra's advance. Except Peter, of course.

"Oh, don't be so coy." She brushed a lock of blonde hair behind her eyes, pushing her glasses up white nose. A junior, Peter had no problem admitting she was definitely smarter than him. "We're both single. You try to hid it but you have an excellent body. I spend more time in the lab than the track, but I do yoga twice a week. Furthermore; I am, quite frankly, rather horny."

Peter had put down his strawberry soda, wiping his stained shirt with napkins, not keen to repeat the same spluttering soda mistake.

"What better time for casual sex than in college? We would both have a wonderful time." Debra leant in closer, this time lowering her voice just a little bit. "If you're inexperienced that's cool. What is college if not a time for learning?"

She reached out with a hand, resting it on his arm. Peter noticed the tight squeeze on his bicep.

"Oh mama," she didn't even bother with eye contact, more than content to look up and down his body like he was a giant lollipop.

"That's really, I..." Peter felt goosebumps running up his arm. Involuntary, his body yearning for touch.

It had been months since he'd even hugged someone. Let alone kissed, or...

Every since the memory spell, Peter had been terribly alone. The entire world had forgotten of his existence. Dr. Strange, his best friend Ned.


They had no idea he'd ever existed. It was for the best. Anyone who got close to him got hurt. Mr. Stark. Uncle Ben.

Aunt May.

He couldn't go a day without thinking about her. How she'd died protecting him from the Green Goblin.


Even just a casual fling with Debra Whitman could put her in grave danger. He couldn't do that to her. Despite every cell in his body yearning for touch.

The goosebumps spread up his arm, across his entire body.

No. Not goosebumps.


Something was wrong.

Peter glanced across the cafeteria. The crying student had stifled his tears, staring at his phone now. The blip club had put down their old copies of The New York Bulletin, turning their attention to the TV in the room.

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