we can wait til tomorrow

Start from the beginning

And so Harry had quickly pulled away the receipt and pen from Louis, hurriedly scrawling down his number and then handing the receipt back to Louis, "Happy?"

"Maybe I'll call you," Louis winked, and then he was walking away.

Harry followed him just to make sure the lad really did pay for the items he had, and was pleased to see that he did. For a week, Harry didn't receive any new calls. It was when he was spending time with his best friend Liam Payne that Louis finally called. Harry had almost forgotten about the mysterious boy until his phone rang with an unrecognizable number. He'd answered in confusion, "Hello?"

"This is Harry, right?" a voice asked. It as a guy's voice, but it was slightly higher and raspy. Familiar in a way.


"It's Louis. From the grocery store."

"Oh yes," Harry murmured. "The changed thief."

"That's a fitting title," Louis chuckled on the other line. "I kept my promise! Didn't steal from your store."

"Have you stolen from anywhere else?" Harry pressed.

"So Harry," Louis changed the topic. "Would you want to meet up somewhere? I know a nice bar we can go to."

"I'm not much of a drinker," Harry said slowly. Although, he figured he could probably drink a tiny bit since he didn't have to work for a few days.

At this point, Liam had muted the telly and was squinting his brown eyes suspiciously at Harry, "Who are you talking to?"

"Someone I met at the store," Harry told him quietly.

Louis was quiet for a moment, "Do you have a boyfriend, Harry?"

"No!" Harry looked to Liam in horror. He loved Liam, Liam was his best mate. But he couldn't date Liam. "That's just my friend Liam!"

"Oh," Louis sounded much happier. "That makes things easier then."

"Wait..." Harry frowned. "Just because I might go to a bar with you doesn't mean I'm going to fall into your bed for a one night stand."

"Plus I have to meet you first!" Liam called.

"Where do you live?" Louis chuckled. "I'll come meet this friend of yours, and then you and I can go to the bar?"

"I've only met you once in my entire life, Louis!" Harry gasped, appalled.

"I'm not trying to elope with you, Harry, I'm taking you to a bar!" Louis laughed. "Shit, calm down."

Harry glanced to Liam, who shrugged his shoulders. Harry sighed, "I guess..."

"Good," Louis declared triumphantly. "Address?"

"I'll give you my friend Liam's address," Harry said slowly. "I'm at his flat, so you can just pick me up here."

Harry prattled off the address, and Louis finally said, "Good. That's close by. Pick you up at five?"

Harry showered quickly, blow drying his curls and fixing them how he wanted. He tugged on a pair of black skinnys, one of Liam's blue plaid button ups, and decided he'd wear his white converse. By the time he exited the bathroom, Liam's boyfriend Niall was already there and sprawled across Liam's couch.

"Hiya Harry!"

"Hi Niall," Harry chuckled.

"I hear you've got a date?" the blonde boy wiggled his eyebrows.

"Something like that, I don't know," Harry sighed, going to sit down on the couch, moving Niall's legs. "He's taking me to a bar?"

"Who is he?" Niall asked.

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