chapter 2

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So after the bomb dropped that my mom was leaving, and i hung out with Libby and her parents. We played bord games and watched a couple movies. After all of that we went up stairs. 

I stood in the door way while Libby walked walked in.

"Iz, whats the matter?" she ask worried.

I looked at her. "I am just so lucky to have you and all of this. I don't know what i would do with out you and your parents."

She walked over to me and hugged me. "And you always will. No matter what."

We both smiled and I walked over to put my stuff away. The room lay out was really cool. We each had a queen bed, right next to each other with a night stand, that we shared, in between us. On my side there was my desk at the window, my dresser right next to it. My make-up table and lIbby's make-up table, were right next to each other on the wall that was close to the end of our beds. On each side of the make-up tables, there was a walk in closet. When they first got everything for me there was not walk in closet for me, but after a couple weeks libby's dad decided to put one in for me. 

After I put everything up and my new bed set on my bed, me and Libby pulled out our bing-bag chairs and sat in front of the tv. We grabbed out throw blankets and a pillow for our beds and sat on the floor and watched out favorite movie, Ghost Rider. 

We fell asleep right then and there. About 20 minutes into the movie we were both out. In the morning, we woke up laying together. Her arm around my waist and her right up against me. I lay back down to go back to sleep when libby's older brother came in with a air horn.

"Mom said that it was time for you to come and get breakfast." 

We both were just trying to get our hearts back to a normal speed.

"Ya know, there are better ways to wake us up than scaring the shit out of Calum."

"I know," he started, "but this way is a lot funnier." he said with an evil little grin on his face. 

We both got up and pushed past him and hurried down stairs. 

"Mom tell Calum to stop waking us up with a air horn."

Her dad put down the paper. "Calum, what did i tell if you did that again?"

Calum just stood there. " You said that i would get grounded."

"Thats right," he said back, " go get me your x-box and you phone."

"But dad--" he started.

"Don't but me. You are the one that decided to do it again. Now go on and get them."

He shook his head and went up stairs. Me and libby high-fived each other and laughed. Calum later came back down with his x-box and his phone.  He handed them to his dad and started too pout. He was the spoiled one or acted like he was the spoiled one. Libby didn't act spoiled. 

When we woke up and were down stairs, it wasn't morning, It was 11:43 am. Her mom had burgers and fries waiting for us. 

"What do you girls want to do today?" her mom asked as she set the plates down on the counter where we were sitting. "We could go shopping, get our nails done, got to the movies, or we can do all of that."

I look at libby "Anything that you want to do. I don't have money for any of that."

(I almost to forgot to tell the parents names. Her mom's name is Amanda and her dad's name is Jason)

Amanda look at Jason and he nodded her head. She walked over to her purse and pulled out an envelope.

"Since you have been staying here and helping out and stuff, Jason and I thought that it would be a good idea for you to have you own account. We went down the back a few days ago and opened you up a checking and a savings account."

I look stund. "What?! Thank you!! Thank you!!" i said as i gave them both hugs.

"In your saving account," Jason started, "we took the money that your mom has given us for when you come and stay with us and put it in a jar and then we put that money in your savings. So there is about $5,000 in there."

My jaw dropped to the floor. "Really?" 

Amanda nodded her her head. "And in your checking, for all the stuff that you have done to help us out and chores that you did, and that we gave  you have  $3,000. And it will continue to grow s long as you are here and keep doing what you do. You will get the same allowance as Libby. It is $150 each week. That is if all your chores are done and your room is clean." She paused for a second and started talking again while holding up a pice of paper, " This is the chore list it changes once a month." 

I saw my name on the paper. I thought what Amanda was doing was fair. And I have been helping out a lot when I am over here. 

"So you girls want to go shopping? Oh and Izzy this is yours."

She handed me a envelope. Inside there was $650 and a debit card. 

Me and Libby ran up the stares as fast as we could. We were both excited. I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of the ripped boot cut jean, a black tank- top, a pair of underwear, and boot socks. Then I walked into my closest and got dressed. I pulled a red and black flannel off a hanger. I walked out and over to my brand new square-toed boots. They were brown with a black flag on the top. I slipped them on and walked over to my make-up table. I look in the mirror and see that the blue in my hair is fading. I pulled a chocker of the card bord that I got yesterday.  I walk over to my bed and sit down. 

Libby was still getting ready to go. "Maybe your mom will take us to a hair place. My die is fading out." 

"She most likely will if you ask. You gonna do the same color?"

"Yeah I think I will," I said as I walked out of the room. I walk down stairs.

"Hey Amanda?"

"Yeah honey?"

"Can we got to that place in the mall that sells hair die? my color is fading out?"

"We sure can, if you want to."

"Thank you," I said as I ran up stairs. 

"What did she say?" were the first words out of libby's mouth when i walked into the room.

"She said that we could."

"I am thinking if i should die mine. Should I?" she said while looking at herself in the mirror.

" I think that you should go teal. Like a dark teal." i said honestly .

"You really think so?" 

Before I could say anything "Are you girl's ready yet?" her mom called to us.

"Yeah. We will be down in a sec." I called back.

I grabbed my purse like thing and Libby grabbed her purse. Libby was wearing a dress and a pair of the wedges she got yesterday. We hurry down the stairs and out side. Her mom was already in her SUV. It was a three seater so we wouldn't get confused and get our stuff mixed up so it would be an easy time getting everything in. 

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