"Hey is there something on my head? You just touched it..." Emily questioned

"...n-no....nothing......" Ava hesitates.

A creepy silence filled the void throughout the way to school 


"Okay Sia, who is handling the decors? make sure every material reach on time, Inform all the presenters that they have to assemble here in 15 minutes so we can start with their rehearsal. All the dancers should be ready behind the stage and ......what about the play?" Shawn inquired without tearing his eyes away from the writing pad.

"Alot is left, the script is demanding some changes" She answered fixing the curtains 

"Alright, who are working on it"?

"Ava and Austin" She smirked and looked at him 

"Okay Ava and Austin....wait what.. AVA AND AUSTIN ???!!"he said with a jerk facing Sia

"By the way they are also directing." she added her smirk getting bigger

"THEY ARE DIRECTING AS WELL?????" he cried out loud with "oh god help" face.

I wonder What's gonna happen with the play now?  he thought

Austin often referred  as the lone wolf, seemed to embody mystery effortlessly. Standing tall with a sharp jawline, he was rarely seen without his glasses. His reserved nature often led others to perceive him as aloof or even rude, and he preferred the company of solitude over social gatherings. Since his one close friend left school the previous year, he had become even more isolated, choosing to keep it to himself. As the Literary Secretary alongside Ava, their creative differences were no secret, often sparking heated debates and occasional conflicts that reverberated throughout the school.

"Who is accompanying  with me in presenting." Shawn queried

"Oh its... ah lemme check" she said turning some pages "Its Emily...."

"Ohhh!! Ah.... great...." he said calmly but his heart rejoiced getting that tingling feeling. "But where is she? Did you see her?"   

"She hasn't come yet." saying this she rushed to see more preparation.


"Do you really think this is going to work ? Its pure bullshit!!" Ava shouted on top of her voice.

"You haven't  even completed your idea." Austin argued.

"But I have better dialogues and plot." Her words came out with stubborn determination and confidence 

"Oh , Miss Delusional.....you are mistaken if you think that ... at least my script follows a proper plot" he said resolutely. 

"We were supposed to write something original......its literally copied from Romeo- Juliet!!! " She opposed.

"It is inspired from that!!!"

"IT LOOKS LIKE A CHEAP COPY!!!" Ava  had an outburst

"YOU ARE CHEAP!!!" He replied in the same pitch.

"I can work with anybody but you!!!" She said, crossing her arms and shifting her sight elsewhere.

"Guys i think I might need to improvise." Eric chimed in, between their conversation

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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