Track 02 - Reunions

137 11 2

I silently willed my heart to stop thumping so hard in my chest as I prepared for my evening with Harry. He was arriving at any minute, and while he'd suggested a casual dinner at a restaurant, I'd already changed outfits three times.

I was applying my lipstick when the buzzer rang. Panic seared through me like electricity as I stared in the mirror, second guessing my third choice of clothing. Yanking on the gold chain around my neck, I sighed, admitting to myself that I had no more time to change my mind. This was it. Quickly fluffing my shoulder-length hair with my fingers, a much shorter cut than five years ago, I grabbed my handbag and tossed the lipstick inside.

"Just a second!" I called as I made my way to the door just in time to hear the doorbell ring again.

Deciding I didn't want to answer all flustered and breathless, I set my purse on the table, inhaled slowly and let it out before swinging the door open.

"Hey," I greeted, my lips automatically curving upward.

Harry's mouth mimicked mine, his left dimple having its ceaseless effect on me. And just like the other night at the Journey concert, he looked devastatingly handsome.

"Hi," he said, his gaze drifting down my body. "You look great."

"Thanks. So do you."

Holding the door open, I watched as Harry sauntered in, his eyes leaving mine to take a gander at my living room.

"Can I get you a drink?" I asked.

"Sure, whatever you've got."

With a nod, I made my way to the kitchen, passing the refrigerator and opening the cabinet. While Harry was nice enough to give me the option, I figured his generic beer days were over, the rockstar that he was now. He probably preferred the good stuff, so I was relieved to remember I still had a couple bottles of liquor left over from Halo's birthday party. Choosing the scotch, I poured us each a couple fingers worth.

Returning to the living room, I caught Harry inspecting my stereo, a new addition and upgrade since the small record player that used to sit in my bedroom. He'd removed his jacket which now slung across the arm of my couch, and I couldn't help but admire the way his hair kissed his broad shoulders before he turned and saw me.

"Thanks," he grinned, taking the glass of scotch from me. As our hands grazed each other, I noticed a few of his fingers were donned with rings which I found oddly sexy. "Cheers."

I stared at him from above my own glass as his eyes drifted to the art on the wall behind me, the large plant in the corner.

"This is nice, Sky," he commented when he lowered his glass. "Sophisticated, but still very you."

Raising a brow, I let sarcasm disguise my nerves. "Am I not sophisticated?"

"I dunno," Harry shrugged with a smirk. "I think of you more as...earthy."

"A hippie," I quipped, planting my free hand on my hip.

Harry's laugh bounced off the walls, a beautiful song that sent me right back to five years ago.

"I'd rather go with 'easy-going'," he declared. "Low maintenance."

"Ah, I see," I nodded, enjoying the bit of teasing. "Just don't think that means I'm a cheap date."

His eyes still dancing with glee, Harry stepped forward. "Wouldn't dream of it."

Taking another sip of the scotch, I watched Harry stare at me from above the rim of his glass. I thought it amazing how his eyes still shone that same crystal green that I'd remembered - the same way they did when he would look at me before leaning in to touch my lips with his. Suddenly I got a chill, despite the liquor warming my veins.

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