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Cold. Freezing. That was only reoccurring theme in Dakota Everhart's life. There was sometimes pain and blood. Sometimes anger, fear, hunger. But the cold was the only thing that never left. It followed her like a shadow, clinging to her as if there wasn't another option. It found her where ever she went.

When she woke up she tasted blood. Her mouth filled with a metallic flavor.

She heard the steel door clank open.

"Good morning." The voice was gruff and familiar. "Rough night?" The man flashed his teeth at the girl.

She spit at his feet from her place on the ground.

For the past year her anger for her recruiting organization never faltered. At least when she was aware of her situation, which was not often. She had trouble remembering her life before she arrived at her current situation. Electroshock therapy was a common treatment for the girl. She would wake up from the experience with a very moldable mind, confused by her surroundings a Hydra agent would tell her what they wanted her to know.

You represent Hydra.

We are giving you power.

You are powerful and you stand with Hydra.

This story would only last so long for Dakota. Her mind was powerful and eventually she would regain consciousness and begin her rebel.

"Ah, darling." He grabbed her face from her position on the ground. "When will you stop fighting it?" He lifted the rest of her body off the ground pulling from the vice grip around her jaw. Ever since Hydra realized what power they had forced on the girl a metal collar had been installed around her neck. It somewhat numbed her power. It didn't cease her abilities but she definitely wasn't able to do much damage with them on.

"Never, asshole." Her voice definitive. He grabbed her arm dragging her out of the room and flung her at two large agents. They both securely wrapped both their hands around her arm and dragged her behind the man. The hallway was narrow and bare. The men stormed on through the hallway, opening the layers of barred doors. There were a few doctors littered throughout the room. It looked as if it was some sort of bank in its prior use. She was thrown into a large steel chair. Her bruises littered throughout her body stung as she made rough contact with the chair. The metal necklace then attached to the chair, restraining her movements even more. 

"Wipe her." Her handler announced.

"She would be much more compliant if we could control her like we do the Soldier. If we were to put her und—"

"No! We want her accessible. She's been useless but her day will come." He shot her a toothy smile. "Pierce's orders." He gave her one last smirk as he exited along with his goons.

Everyone in the room was aware that Dakota could overpower the few skinny doctors even with the devices on her wrists. But what lay beyond them was more steel locked doors and agents at every corner. So instead of trying to take on the evil empire of Hydra, Dakota opted for a play with her powers as one of doctors took a step towards her. The man stopped in his tracks as he saw the girl's hand ignite with purple wisps of energy as the lights in the room flickered. She smirked, they weren't in total control of her. She still had a smile on her face when another one of doctors to come from behind and stab her neck with a needle. She looked back at that man standing over her. Even as she fell into an unconscious state she could still see it. Fear painted in his eyes.


When she awoke she greeted by a room full of people. Hydra personnel. Next to her, in a chair similar to hers was a man that looked also to be in state similar to hers.

Confused. Yet his eyes appeared more blank, his stare was unfocused but his mind appeared busy. Dakota stared at him as he continued to look forward. 

"Soldiers." Dakota looked up. It was older man with graying blonde hair who spoke. She felt they had met before but her memory was foggy, like something was blocking her from remembering anything. She then looked back at the man in the chair, sensing a similar feeling.

The old man turned to Dakota.

"There has been a change in mission. You are going to assist the Soldier." He looked to the girl. She heard a huff from the man beside her. "I want no interference with the launching of Project Insight." He continued. "Understood?"

"Yes sir." The man in the chair mumbled. Eyes turned to Dakota, expectantly.

Her eyes quickly flashing the the man sitting at her side. She knew him, vaguely.

"Yes sir." 


Dakota's recall of the events that took place was blurry and fast. She stayed close behind the Soldier, barely interacting with anyone unless necessarily. And even then she kept her distance sending blasts from her hands. The task wasn't necessarily difficult but Dakota felt like she had been preparing for something like this for a long time.

She woke up coughing, choking on water. The metal collar still closed locked around her neck. She sat on the beach her head facing down, resting on her arms. So much had just occurred. She wasn't sure how many people she had just killed in order to stay close to Soldier and obey Hydra's orders. Her mind was exhausted and she still couldn't remember anything before she woke up in the chair with the old man staring at her.  

Dakota stayed like that for awhile until she looked up to see the Soldier walking with the man in the blue suit in hand. He gripped a loop of fabric on his shoulder pulling him from the river as he placed him down on the sand.

The Soldier's eyes glossed over the girls.

"I don't want to go back." Her voice came out shaky.

"We don't have to." He spoke, his voice was a little shaky as well.

"I don't know who I am."

"He said I was James. James Buchanan Barnes." He looked down at the man. She nodded her head a little. He was different then how he was a few hours ago. Different from how he had been the whole time Dakota had known him. "You're name is Dakota." She looked at the man on the ground as she got up. Dakota. "C'mon."

She followed him her fear of the man lessening.

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