"Someone's popular." your father whispered, nudging your mother's side as they stared at you.

"I know." your mother said excitedly "I recognized that name the moment I got the letter." her hands moved in the air, making a rainbow shape in the air as she muttered "The Potters."

You finished reading just a second after. Euphemia Potter was inviting you to spend one week of the summer in her home, apparently eager to meet the newest friend of her boys. You smiled at that, knowing how much it meant to Sirius.

"He's just my friend." you clarified, folding the letter back as you faced your parents "I met him through Sirius." you said, watching carefully for their reactions "My boyfriend."

"Sirius?" your father asked with wide eyes.

You nodded.

"What?" your mother asked, a witness in the staring between you and your father "What is it?"

"I thought you had cut all ties with the Blacks" he said.

The pit in your stomach opened once more, the insistent void inside of you taking all of the gleeful feelings in you "Regulus and I aren't friends anymore." you said flatly.

"Same family, a few years of difference."

"They are nothing alike." you snapped, the immediate guilt rushing through you "I'm sorry. They're just not the same."

Your father considered it, his face neutral "I don't like that family." he said, turning to your mom "They always brought trouble with them. One of them has already hurt you." he reminded you, the overprotective side of being a father taking over him.

"Sirius is different." you defended quietly, not with the energy you would have liked "He- he is not with his family anymore. That's why Mrs. Potter wrote to you, he is living with them."

They stayed silent, having a conversation with their eyes as you could only stare and wait.

"I still think you're too young to date." he said, crossing his arms as your mother rested her hands on his shoulder.

"Oh, don't be like that." your mother said with amusement "You and I met when we were her age."

"And didn't start dating until years later."

"Please." she said, placing a kiss on his cheek as she stood "Don't mind your father, honey. He's just jealous that his little girl is in love."

Your eyes widened again, watching as your father raised his head "In love?" he asked. You jumped from your seat, rounding the table as you too placed a kiss on your father's cheek "Love you, dad."

Before he could say anything you ran back to your room, closing the door behind you as you slipped down, Mrs. Potter's letter crumbled on your hand.


"So what do you think I should take to the Potters?" you asked your mother from your seat in one of the stools of the bakery, a book on different herbs forgotten long ago before you.

Your mother hesitated, placing the cake she had just finished decorating on the display "Cookies are your specialty." she said. You made a sound that captured her attention, making her turn as the cake was safely placed in its place "What is it?"

"I make cookies all the time." you explained.

"Exactly, that's why they're your specialty." she laughed.

"I know, but I make them cookies all the time in Hogwarts. I want to try something else."

Your mother stayed quiet, looking over all the shop in the looks of an answer. The bell of the door sounded, making your mom move to the customer that had just arrived. It was a good fifteen minutes before she returned to you.

Winter In The Shade | Sirius Black x Female Ravenclaw ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now