chapter 20

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Xavier glanced down at his feet and then he glanced up at Diane.Xavier walked toward Diane and she grabbed Diame's face he tilted her head up.He forced Diane to lock eyes with him.I look over at Adrian and he watches them with a tense expression.I stride toward Adrian and I firmly place a kiss on his lips.Adrian's body relaxes but he brakes the kiss.We look over at Diane and Xavier who are staring at each other with stone cold eyes.Xavier speaks breaking the silence

" Diane Avery Capulet do you promise on your soul that you will allow me entrance to heaven?"

"I Diane Avery Capulet promise that I will grant Xavier......

"Thorn is my last name."

Thorn entrance to heaven when he helps me regain control of heaven."

Xavier released Diane's face.Adrian moved to stand in between Xavier and Diane.Adrian turned his face toward Xavier.

"When did Kyle steal your technology?"Adrian demanded.

"Couple weeks ago."

'Is their anyway to remove the bracelet without the key?"



Diane's faced twisted in a scowl.She looked over at me and a wicked grin stretched across her face

"We could use Amber as bait for Kyle.Amber is the only one Kyle would return to earth for."

Adrian's body tensed.

"No!!"Adrian hissed through his teeth.Diane frowned.Xavier cleared his throat.All our eyes trained on him.

"The plan could work.If you don't want to use her we could always use Anny.They're the same height and skin tone.All Anny needs is a black waist length wig and violet contacts." 

Diane frowned but then looked at the bracelet attached to her wrist.Her eyes traveled back and forth between the bracelet and sky.

"Alright Xavier get me the wig and contacts."

Adrian began to protest but Diane shot him a glare.

"Adrian this is my problem.Your no longer my fiance.You have found your soul mate.Look after her not me."

Tears streamed down Diane's face as she spoke these words.

"Xavier get me the wig and contacts we shall meet back here in an hour."

Xavier's midnight black wings sprung from his back.He flew away into the blue sky.Adrian reached for Diane but caught me looking at him.He dropped his hands.

"Diane,Amber I....."

We both shot him glares.I looked over at Diane.

Is he trying to keep us both?

If he is you go low and i go high.


Adrian's voice broke our silent exchange.

"I'm confused I don't know who I love anymore."

Diane's enraged filled voice filled the valley.

"Until you figure it out I'm stayin with Xavier."

Diane stormed out of the valley.Adrian tried to follow her but I grabbed him by the sleeve.

"When you figure it out you can see me again."

I stormed out of the valley.tears steaming down my face.I took Adrian's motorcycle home.When I got home I found Diane sitting on my door step.I approached her.

"I thought you went with Xavier."

"I only said that so Adrian would get mad."

I invited her inside and i played I don't wanna be in love by good Charlotte as we ate ice cream and talked about moments and things we liked about Adrian.If she wasn't trying to take Adrian from me we would have been friends.When the hour was nearing I took Diane to the valley on the motorcycle.Xavier stood waiting in the valley.Diane wore a black sweater to cover the bracelet from sight.Xavier handed Diane the wig and contacts.I had to admit we kinda looked alike.

"You ready Anny?"

"Yes and stop calling me that Xavier.Lets just start the plan."

Immortal Struggle(Watty awards 2011) editing........Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat