chapter 17: The L word

Start from the beginning

Sam went to his room and Nicholas got on the couch and they both fell asleep. Well Sam tried to fall asleep he could not sleep by himself anymore. The last time he fell asleep it was with Nicholas and he slept like a baby.

The next morning...

Minho start blowing Nicholas phone up. But since the phone was in Sam's back jean pocket. No one answered. Until Sam got up and gave Nicholas the phone.

Sam: hey! Wake up! Minho has been calling you all morning!!

Nicholas: ok I'll call him back..

Nicholas calls Minho back at me home explains to him that he will be gone for a couple days. Nicholas tried to get out of him where he was going but he didn't want to say. All he said was that he had an important thing to do. I'll be back soon.. Nicholas really didn't mind being left alone but it was very suspicious that Minho wanted to go alone he always wanted to be around Nicholas wherever he goes. The necklace didn't think too much of it and agreed and hanged up the phone.

Sam: is everything all right!

Nicholas: yeah don't worry about it!

Sam: are you still mad at me for not saying those words to you?

Nicholas: no! I'm not at myself for saying them!

Sam: so you regret it!

Nicholas: ye...

Sam shushes Nicholas...

Sam: shhh!! Don't say something that you might regret

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Sam: shhh!! Don't say something that you might regret..

Nicholas: just forget I said anything..

Sam: are you sure..

Nicholas: yes!

Sam: oh.. ok..

Nicholas quickly changes a subject cuz he started to feel like it was pointless.. they felt like an idiot expressing his love towards Sam so early and their relationship. He honestly never found in love with anyone until he met Sam so he felt like he was pushing himself on to sam when he doesn't know how same as she feels about him. Sam knew that she could be hurting Nicholas by not telling him how he actually goes about him but he wanted to wait he wanted to sort out his feelings before Nicholas if they're true or just because he is an amazing submissive.

Later that day..

Sam got a phone call from Jeon wanting them to get him another chance. That he will be a better submissive. Sam refused said that he doesn't no longer want to know anything about Jeon. He then hanged up and turned his phone off.

Nicholas: who was that?!

Sam: no one important!

Nicholas: yes I'm sure!!

Sam thought that he couldn't trick Nicholas into thinking that it was someone else but Nicholas knew who he was on the phone with. Nicholas thought to himself that if he really loves them he has to fight for him so Nicholas out of his comfort zone decided to do what Nicholas loves most. Be an obedient submissive.

Nicholas: Sam!

Sam: Yes!

Nicholas: what if I told you you can do whatever you want to me?

Sam was surprised and confused at the same time what would bring such a question up why was he thinking about this now at this time. Sam simply answers back..

Sam: they won't do that! You will never let me do whatever I want to!

Nicholas: yes I would! You just wait and see..

2 hours later..

Sam noticed that Nicholas was very quiet that there was no sound in the house. He thought to himself what is he doing. Sam book everywhere for Nicholas until he noticed that the Red room door wasn't wide open he walks in seeing nipples completely naked in a submissive position. Which immediately turned Sam on. He started to breathe heavily and whay to say. Nicholas then look so at him with a seductive look on his face and said with a soft sexual voice...

Nicholas: please punish me Daddy...

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