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3rd pov:
It's been six years since Robert's rebellion and now Eddard stark is leaving to go fight in the GrayJoy rebellion we see four kids watching him leave the oldest a boy with a stocky build, blue eyes and thick red-brown hair. Robb stark next to him is his twin brother torrhen stark with his thick darker brown with a slight red tint and eyes that are blue but have a gray tint at the end of the iris he looks the second closest to lord stark in appearance and next to him was his half brother bastard Jon snow with the with dark,brown hair and grey eyes so dark they almost seem black he looks more stark than his other siblings and finally last in line was a small girl of the age of three with  with her high cheekbones,deep blue eyes,and thick soft auburn hair lighter than her mother's hair, sansa stark they all watch as there father leave and possibly never come back

Torrhen:mother when will father come back

Catlyn:I don't know sweetheart only time will tell

Robb:but he will be back right mother

Catlyn:I can't be so sure but I can only hope that he returns

Jon:I know he will be back father is the best swordsman ever

Catlyn looked at Jon with slight disgust but hide her emotion well

Torrhen looks on and realizes something

Torrhen:mother why do our men look so unprotected so weak

Catlyn:well torrhen the north does not have many resources as the other lands in Westeros so we make do with what we can

Torrhen:but mother don't we have blood of the first men that's the North's blood only to be spilled out in the south

Catlyn:there is nothing we can do torrhen the north is the biggest yet emptiest land in all of Westeros we can't be as strong as the southern but we make do with what we can

Torrhen felt disgusted at this he has the blood of the first men and that was the winters blood yet is going out into the southerners to fight for them with barely anything to protect them from that day forward he promised the north will never look weak again

After that torrhen trained day in and day out read all the books in the towers when his father came back a year later with a ward torrhen really had no care for the GrayJoy but he ask his father a very serious question for someone his age

-scene is in eddard starks office-

Torrhen:father I would like to make a request

Eddard:and what is that torrhen I have a lot of things to do

Torrhen:father will you make me lord of moat cailin

Eddard was shocked why was his son asking this why did he want to become lord of moat cailin at such a young age but why moat cailin

Eddard:let's say I do let you become lord of moat cailin why do you want that specific land out of any in the north

Torrhen:is because father moat cailin is what protects the north from southern and any outside invaders I want to protect the north no matter what

Eddard:and how do u plan on doing this torrhen

Torrhen:by making the biggest army the north has ever seen even bigger then the last king of winter torrhen

Eddard was again surprised but keep a stoic face his son a boy of about 6 name days already thinking about making a army

Eddard thought every thoroughly before coming to his decision

Eddard:very well I will give you moat cailin but everything else must happen by your self meaning the men and armor everything do I make my self clear torrhen

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