Legoshi nods and starts slowly, to walk behind her.
Haru chuckles nervously, while they are passing flowers.
Already regretting she had invited him... Not only does she gets bullied, now, she also will get devoured... Or having sex with someone who is much bigger than her...
"I usually don't have any visitors either... And when I do, it's mostly males who pay me any attention... But they haven't been like you-... Tall or a Carnivore..." she adds, and furrows the eyebrows a little at the end, and looks asking down while walking. Can they even have sex? With the size difference?
Legoshi stiffened.
The warning from Kibi starts replaying in his mind.
How Haru is like a predator who hunts its prey and devour the poor animal whole.
Legoshi inhales sharply and shakes the head to get ride of those thoughts.

Haru smiles sadly at the flowers they are passing.
"I'm worried though-..."
Legoshi jolts gasping.
She sighs.
"These flowers are like my babies... But-... What will happen them, the day I'm graduating? I don't have anyone to take care of them..." she tells him honestly.
The wolf looks asking at them. Her babies... His chest starts aching a slightly from bad conscience. If he asks her to give some up. Then they will die, from drying out.
But he also doesn't want to let Louis down.
His ears lowered down, before he sighs.
No way he will let Louis down again! He made a mistake by running away with the tail between the legs, the second Louis told him, his feelings.
That mistake will he never makes again.

The wolf inhales deeply.
"I NEED FLOWERS!" He shouts and probably interrupted her in the middle of something.
Haru flinches with her heart, skipping a few beats of fear.
"W-what?" She asks and looks terrified at him.
Legoshi bows in a apologizing gesture.
" I really apologize, but; Louis the red deer from the drama club sent me, since we need flowers... I do have a list, he and Dom have wrote" he explains and stands upright, where he shoves the hands into the pockets and pulls out a wrinkled paper.
"F-flowers?!..." she gulps mumbling, and couldn't believe her ears. How wrong she was.
She had thought, Legoshi had come over to has sex with her.
She blushes, and almost didn't noticed how Legoshi extends the paper to her.
"O-okay... I will ehm... Help you..." she tells him, and grabs the paper and starts eyeing the list.
"Thanks... Louis will really be happy of hearing that" he smiles.
Haru glances at him.
"Can you ehm..." she blushes.
Legoshi tilts the head.
The rabbit clears her throat.
"Can you perhaps tell him; I am looking forward to meet him again... It has been a while now, since he was here..."
Legoshi's heart skips a beat while he wides the eyes.
"Eh? Are you friends?" He gulps.
Haru smirks.
" Maaaybeee-... But that's a secret" she snickers.
Legoshi's heartbeats increased.
Are they dating? Does Louis loves her?
The wolf turns sadly around.
What if she will get Louis, before he gets any chance?
... He really would hate that!

Legoshi walks toward the office where Louis, hopefully will be.
The Wolf knocks the door.
"You may come in-..." Louis tells him from inside.
The gray furred Wolf's tail starts wagging happily.
Then he opens the door and walks inside, where he closes the door behind him.
The deer was reading a few papers, where he writes down a few things.
"You might speak-... But try keep it simple and to the point..."Louis tells him without looking up.
Legoshi clears the throat.
"H-haru..." he starts stuttering.
Louis gasps surprised and flinches the eyes up from the papers, and up at him.
Legoshi gulps.
"She will-... Get us the flowers..." he blushes and decides to, not mentioning she wanted to see Louis.
The deer parts the lips, and nods.
Then he clears the throat and sits upright.
"Great job-... I'm glad, we have one less task to do... T-thank" Louis gulps.
The Wolf starts shifting weight from one foot to the other. Not sure if he should walk out, or stay.
Legoshi nods slowly. Maybe he should just leave?
"Y-you are W-welcome... Have a good afternoon" the Wolf says and turns around, where he slowly starts opening the door.

Louis flinches up from the chair and walks swiftly toward Legoshi.
"NO, WAIT!" The deer shouts.
Legoshi grunts surprised and jolts, where he starts turning against Louis.
"Wha-..." he starts asking when Louis suddenly pins him against the wall, where his back slammed at the partly, opened door. Causing the door to close.
The wolf wides the eyes in shock and stares down at the deer who stares determined at him. The hands on Legoshi's shoulders.
"Aren't-..." Louis starts asking while panting.
The deer narrows the eyes and leans toward him.
"Aren't you a carnivore?!" He scoffs.
"Eh?-... What do you mean, Louis-senpai?" Legoshi asks with increased heartbeats.
Louis shakes the head.
"Since when, would a carnivore turns its back to an herbivore?... Don't you wanna eat me?!" The deer asks kinda pushy.
The bewildered Wolf starts sweating nervously.
"What? No?!-..." he shakes the head in protest. Why would he want to eat Louis?!
Louis grunts and forces the palm between Legoshi's fangs.
The Wolf stares terrified down at Louis' arm. Afraid he would accidentally hurt him.
"BITE ME!-... Bite me, Legoshi!!!" The deer tells him firmly and in hurry.
Legoshi could feel how he starts drooling.
He gulps. Perhaps he should bite him? Just a little... Where his fangs barely would touch him?!
The cheekbones start hurting, and Legoshi's fangs start slowly moving toward Louis' hand.
The tips of the fangs dug gently down on the hand.
The deer flinches with a soft moaning and the stern face, softened, where he submissive looks up at Legoshi, with melted eyes.
The terrified Wolf turns the face away and gets Louis' hand out from the jaw.
"I'm-... I'm so S-sorry, Louis-senpai!!!" The flushed Wolf stutters.
Louis clicks the tongue and yanks Legoshi's tie, where he pulls him down a little, while he tilts the head up and presses the lips on his.
During the kiss, Legoshi gasps surprised and starts slowly, to kiss back.
The Wolf wraps the arms around Louis' slender body and parts the lips a slightly. Where his tongue brushes at Louis' closed lips.
Almost immediately, Legoshi could feel how Louis parts the lips and sticks the tongue out, where his smaller tongue starts stroking at his.
Nervously, Legoshi strokes the tongue a bit clumsy at Louis'. While Louis tries kissing Legoshi a slightly carefully, so his tongue wouldn't get hurted from Legoshi's fangs.

They break apart after a while and stare surprised at each others while breathing heavier.
Louis starts getting nervous that, Legoshi might reject him again.
The deer let's go of Legoshi's tie and takes a step backward, where he breaks free from Legoshi's arms.
The Wolf lowered the arms, slowly. As he didn't wanted to let's go of him yet.
For a long moment, neither of them, said a single word. Like they were expecting the other would start talking, or doing something.
A while later, Louis clears the throat.
"You-... May dismiss.... I-If you want..." the deer gulps.
Legoshi lowered the ears with a low whimpering.
"D-do you W-want me T-to?" The wolf swallows hardly.
Louis shrugs.
"I mean-... If you want... Don't feel forced to stay 'Cause I'm the lead actor and your senpai..." Louis squirms blushing and rubs the hand shyly on the arm.
Legoshi stares confused at him. Not sure if Louis wants him there. Despite it was Louis who made the first move and kissed him.
Legoshi inhales deeply.
"I want to S-stay-..." he starts answering and made Louis' ears to perk up.
The wolf gives him a nervous smile.
"-If I'm allowed to..." he adds.
For a moment nothing happened.
Then Louis throws himself over Legoshi with the arms around his neck, where he hungrily starts kissing him. Moaning softly while the confused wolf, blinks surprised, and almost slammed at the door again, since Louis'd threw himself over him...
The wolf's tail starts wagging while he received, kiss after kiss on the lips and the muzzle.
Few moments later, Legoshi nuzzles the side of Louis' throat.
The deer snickers a little since it tickles a little when Legoshi brushes the nose on his throat.
Legoshi parts the lips and bites Louis just a little. Not hard enough to cause any damage.
Suddenly Louis let's out a groan.
Legoshi flinches terrified away from him.
"I'M SORRY!" The wolf bursts out, since he thinks he had harmed him.
The a slightly confused deer, blinks at him.
"Sorry?-... About what?"
Legoshi gulps.
"... I-... Hurted you?"
Louis is silent for a moment, then he starts chuckling and shakes the head.
"No, you stupid dog... You didn't hurted me..."
"I didn't?" Legoshi tilts the head.
Louis shakes the head.
"No-... It's the opposite... I was in a bliss... The bit gave me such a pleasure so, I couldn't stay silent" he explains smiling and strokes the hand gently on Legoshi's cheek.
The Wolf couldn't say anything, 'Cause he was still confused. Did Louis really enjoyed to get bitten?
Louis let's out a short laugh while looking happily into Legoshi's eyes.
"Bite me Legoshi-... Be the carnivore you are, and enjoy your meal~"

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