Aren't You Proud of Me?

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Hello again! I hope that those who have read the first chapter have liked it so far. As I said last week, I will be updating every Sunday so watch out for new posts. I want to give a special thanks to everybody who has reviewed, followed, and favorited my story so far. It always puts a smile on my face when I read the reviews and see how many people are enjoying my story so far. It just makes me look forward to this even more. And trust me, there is a lot more to come! So last week, Riley got caught wearing makeup when her parents told her not to. This week, it's Maya's point of view, and something big happens to her. After this chapter, everything starts getting crazy! I couldn't wait to write this chapter so I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did when I wrote it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Boy Meets World, or its spin-off series Girl Meets World.

Maya's Point of View

Friday, February 13th, 2015, New York City

Present day, 7:10 A.M

I couldn't wait to get to the Matthews' apartment this morning. Shawn and Mr. Matthews were the life of the party. I noticed how recently Riley was acting weirder in the mornings than she usually did. It started about a month ago. I wondered if it had anything to do with Shawn? Anyway, this particular morning, it was snowing a lot. A big blizzard. No way was Mr. Matthews going to let us go to school in this kind of weather.

I lived in the apartment just above the Matthews' with my mom. It was strange for me to think of my mom as my guardian; sometimes I felt like I was the parent in our relationship. My mom's aspiration was to be an actress. I tried my best to be supportive, but really? What were the chances of her getting a job other than as a waitress? She wasn't the best mom, I had to admit that. But at least she stayed, unlike my dad, who left me and my mom for another family in god knows where.

Shawn once told me he would always look out for me and be there for me when I needed someone to talk to. Someone besides Riley of course. Riley was like the sister that I always wanted, but I knew that she wouldn't be able to understand my family issues. In her world, everybody was perfect, polite and happy. I always wanted to live in a world like that; believing in only good, but sadly I never did. Shawn, I assumed, understood things that even I couldn't get because ever since he came to live in the same building, he's told me about how he was abandoned by his mother when he was about my age. We had so much in common it was almost scary! But I would never take Shawn away from Riley. That was never my intention.

My mom left a note for me on the kitchen counter before she left for work this morning which read, "Meet me at the bakery after school. I have some very important news to tell you! Love- Mommy." Mom always tried to be cute by referring to herself in letters as "Mommy", but I never called her that. I took the note from the kitchen counter and put it in my backpack as I walked out of the apartment, locking the door behind me.

When I got to the Matthews' apartment, I greeted everybody by saying, "Hey losers!" in a joking way of course. When I saw Shawn sitting beside Mr. Matthews at the breakfast table, I said to him, "Hey Hunter", also in a playful way. I asked where Riley was, and Mrs. Matthews said she was probably still in her room. Then Mrs. Matthews insisted that I eat breakfast with them. That was Riley's mom. She somehow always knew that I never had anything to eat for breakfast at home, so she always made pancakes for me too. It was as if the whole family made room for me to be part of their family, but I knew deep down inside I was not part of their family because I was still a Hart.

I sat down next to Shawn as Mr. Matthews began to tell me about one of their crazy classic high school stories. This morning, they told me about how one time Shawn dressed up as a girl because Mr. Matthews was writing a school newspaper article. Mr. Matthews also ended up dressed as a girl but he was pretending to be one of those creepy, funny-looking old waitresses. They pulled out a black photo album and showed me a cut-out picture with an article beside it called "Chick Like Me".

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