episode 14 - some moment of swasan with fab5

Start from the beginning

(guys just imagine fab five given this performance)
All claps there hand when performance get finished they come down from stage Toward janki and Raj who was seating toward VIP area
Manik - mom didn't doll and sanskar come you said they were going to come you both are seating here but where they are can you tell me
Janki - only behind you if you look your surrounding also then you will Surely found your doll (manik turn see swara he smile brightly she come near him and hug him tightly he hug her back they break the hug) how are you and where is your hubby (swara sign toward sanskar) Ohh hey sanskar thanks for handling this tufan express (swara pout hearing swara sanskar chuckle shake his hand with Manik)
Janki - Manik stop Teasing her okey now let's go to home i have said your taima to prepare you all's favorite dish after performance you can enjoy food tension free
Sanskar - now we should also go shona right (swara look toward sanskar hearing him then look toward janki and ram)
Janki - i said you all sanskar not only manik and his group well i know you don't know much about us give us also your time to know about us then only everything will be normal between and morever you can also see our home because tommorrow raj throwing party so you have to come there for sure
Sanskar - i can understand aunty but after my matter will get solve then i can know you all much please don't mind my equation with trusting people easily is not good at this time (swara look toward sanskar) because I have got betrayal from them also who have given me birth so right now i can only trust my wife no one eles so please understand my situation and don't force me (swara look toward Raj and Janki nods silently)
Raj - okey sanskar we can understand you turmoil but don't forget to come at party tommorrow night it's for something special and my son's engagement too with his lady love and celebrating there band success too (sanskar smile and nods in yes he hold swara's hand and take her from there with uttara bidding bye to them. They reach home see ram was with his bag in hall and sujata trying to stop him they come down uttara  what about to go sanskar hold her hand uttara look toward him in tears he shake his head in no showing his eyes Uttara look toward Swaara in tears she go near her patt her shoulder softly confronting her)
Sujata - (to sujata ) sanskar see your papa is going leaving us say him something make him understand that he shouldn't go like this (sanskar look toward sujata hearing him)
Ram - sanskar i have always done wrong with you and Uttara i never give you both importance more than my own brother but i wasn't knowing whom i was thinking my father figure he was back stabbing me he try to kill my Duaghter still i was blindly trusting him he always do wrong with you still i didn't say him one word also i know whatever your doing today that was also not wrong sanskar some things can't changed how much we try some people's low and cheap thinking and some people's greed it can destroy everything i still remember my father why he was this much strict because he was knowing family can't work with only money but with time my brother get so much greedy our father died giving us his whole property with so much love and trust that when our kids will grown up they will also stay together like us but you know very well money is very bad thing whenever he comes between relationship everything goes destroyed i don't have any grudges with anyone still i was testing my own food medicine i have behave so recklessly with you that i forget i am ignoring my own family my own childrens to follow my elder brother blindly thinking he also have same feeling for my son and duaghter how i have keep for his son's but i was terribly wrong now i think it'd enough with this ploy of pride and humiliation you should treat people the way they treat others. Today i will tell you a truth not you only infact everyone before finishing this and going from here this is the jail of durga prasad maheswari which he have start when he have got the powers and here standing all people he has make them captive in this with his rules and regulations this is not house in any sense not now and not even long time back it's a prison and he is dictator of this house he have held everyone captive for life he force other's to give in to you or eles he throw them out of the house like he had thrown you out of this house. The family members are not even allowed to breath without his permission. Honestly they are not living life here rather they are suffering here because of his this nature today Everything is destroying just because of him and his that nature. He wanted you all should be work with him only not according to your wish he make you three educated because he wanted that you three can join his business of trash dealing (pointing toward Parineeta) here is his big duaghter in law whom he have got married to his elder son just for receiving dowry he never wanted a good Duaghter in law he Jus wanted her father's 100 acres of land just because of him and his nature our family photographs never get complete sometimes he throw you out sometimes he throw your wife out from this home and sometimes he proveke my so called greedy wife to sell my duaghter with dowry. You done only one mistake sanskar but he pusnishh you like you done crime and i was biggest criminal in this all i didn't able to do anything for you because i was blind in my so called brother's love i haven't able to speak this all till date because i was trusting him like a blind but today after knowing his reality i won't be able to Live even I'll decided to live here because he taught me good lesson today lesson of not being truthful this is enough o won't be able to live here anymore I'm leaving for forever i have severed all ties with the mansion today i know now you don't also want anyone's support in your life you have your wife always with you and i also know she is enough for you and you will make uttara's future also bright keeping her with you so i don't have any responsiblity over my head now if i died also then i can died without any tension about you and uttara (sanskar look toward ram hearing him he turn his face otherside ram know it's late to ask forgiveness from his son and duaghter he look toward Uttara and swara go near them sanskar looks on he bless swara and Uttara take his bag what about to go sujata hold his bag stopping him) sujata get away from my way
Sujata - ji i know i have done crime the time of uttara but i never treat her like i don't wanted her i try my best to repent for my mistake while taking care of her (ram what about to say something he stop hearing sanskar)
Sanskar - yes i remember you didn't treat the best example was you were very eager to sold her by giving dowry to same women like you (swara look toward sanskar close her eyes go near him hold his hand) no not today jaan she never accept her mistake Infront of her eyes everyone is criminal and she is only right look what she wanted to happened with you today happening with her only God only know whom he should give test of there karma and who not (sanskar take his hand from swara's grip go near sujata) with how much money you have make deal with durga Prasad maheswari and his son's to see your own son miserable condition with how much money you have sold your own mothership Mrs sujata maheswari (sujata stumbled in shocked hearing sanskar look toward him without any expressions and emotions swara look toward sanskar shake her head in no) what why your showing me now your fake tears you was happy na when i got SEPERATE WITH MY SWARA YOU WAS CELEBRATING MINE MISERABLE CONDITION WITH DURGA PRASAD MAHESWARI'S FAMILY AND MY WIFE'S SO CALLED FAMILY YOU SHOULD BE SHAME ON YOURSELF FOR CALLING MOTHER (swara go near sanskar hold his hand )
Swara - sanskar please stop it don't say anything which will only pained you later people can't change sanskar there low and cheap thinking will be same for forever why you don't understand that your angry i accept everything but hurting yourself isn't any option sanskar we should move on from the things which have given us pain i have move on from my family how much they have hurt me that can't be erase sometimes ignoring whatever happening in surrounding is best option rather than making the person understand when they never understand anything see sanskar i am not saying this because i have any emotional attached with anyone here JUST FINISHED IT NOW LET'S MOVE ON FROM THIS ALL GIVE DURGA PRASAD MAHESWARI'S PROPERTY BACK TO THEM I MEAN THERE SHARES TAKE YOUR'S AND UTTARA'S AND LET'S MOVE OUT FROM THIS PLACE THIS PLACE HAS GIVEN US JUST PAIN I DON'T WANT OUR BABY SHOULD GROWN UP IN THIS ENVIRONMENT I DON'T WANT ANYTHING NOT EVEN THIS PLACE WE ARE ENOUGH CAPABLE TO MAKE OUR OWN HEAVEN WE DON'T WANT THIS HELL PLEASE (sanskar look toward swara hearing her) i don't want to take any revenge now there pusnishment is that only when they will understand there mistake and regret for it that day they will get there pusnishment (sanskar what about to say something) i have very hardly take you out from this revenge game sanskar i don't want to put you again on that dark path please leave it na for me for uttara for our baby please i just want a normal life the time i have come here sometimes ragini sometimes laksh sometimes Aadarsh & Parineeta maheswari kavya kartik kavita Urvashi masi mrs parvati Gadodia rajat sujata Maheswari durga prasad maheswari Annapurna Maheswari i am now fade up let's end this na i don't have any engery left in me to bear this all more i also have some expectations a normal life just end this now sanskar we can't give garenty of anyone na tommorrow they will think to kill our baby then in there anger and greed we can't take risk na now we have our baby not we ourself (sanskar look toward Swaara hearing her he shake his  head blankly turn to go said Uttara go and pack her bags then go from there swara look toward ram close her eyes and then open uttara look toward ram once and then go to pack her bag swara slowly go near ram who look toward her seeing her)

PRECAPE - will everything goes normal How swara think or something more worse twist turn will take there life💔💔💔💔💔😈 🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🤐😢🤐🤐🤐🤐😢😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐🙁🙁🙁🙁😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

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