My hero

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Erdrick often overthinks and doubts himself sometimes.

Sometimes he thinks that he wasn't meant to be the legendary hero of his hometown or he doesn't deserve to be in the smash mansion.

But he's still glad to be in the smash mansion after 2 years of his arrival along with his friends.

And sometimes he thinks of negative things that may not come true or may not happen, probably breaking his friendship with his bestfriend Terry Bogard. They've been friends for about 2 years now and they met in mid 2019, they haven't talked but Erdrick wanted to learn more about Terry like what his favorite things to do for fun or maybe train with him sometime, Erdrick and Terry are still the bestest friends today. But... what about his girlfriend? Byleth?

Erdrick and Byleth have been dating for about 2 years since Byleth arrived in 2020 along with her male counterpart which Male Byleth is her brother and Erdrick had a crush on Byleth (female) possibly for the longest time, he's really glad that he met the girl. And what Erdrick doesn't want to happen with his relationship with Byleth is.. well... to split up. It will be really heartbreaking if it did happen but Erdrick knows its not gonna happen because he and Byleth promised each other to stay together until the very end. Overall Erdrick is super glad that he found the love of his life Byleth.. but this is when Erdrick starts to overthink again.

Sometimes whenever he overthinks or negative thoughts come to his head he tries not to lash it out on anyone since he gets mad or upset when someone is either making fun of him or being rude or mean to his friends and his girlfriend, he cares for the people he loves so much that he tries not to get so upset for something small. But he just takes a deep breath and try to calm himself down whenever he's upset.

Seprioth often teases Erdrick it can be for fun or Seprioth means it, Erdrick doesn't hangout with Seprioth often because of how mean the guy is towards Cloud. Even one time Erdrick was helping out Seprioth with something then he gets all mad and Erdrick doesn't understand why or how? Then if Seprioth is mad if Erdrick messes up on something then.. well you know the rest.

Mainly Erdrick wants to be a good person, friend and boyfriend but.. how he can do that when he gets mad so easily? Well he does take deep breath's and try to calm down.. but whenever he's feeling upset, sad or stressed out he either goes to his best friend Terry to talk about what's going on or.. he tells Byleth of what's making him sad, upset or stressed out. Byleth understands that Erdrick is feeling emotions that are not really the best, she tries to comfort him in the best way she can.

Erdrick sits down on his bed in his dorm he lets out a sad sigh and he had a sad look on his face, he tries to keep it together trying not to cry by taking deep breath's but... something isn't right with him, he looks onto the floor tears start falling onto the floor. He sniffs as he wipes his tears away then he takes off his finger gloves and puts it on the nightstand right next to his bed, then he clenches his fits and says "Don't cry... everything is going to be okay Erdrick.. just take deep breath's.." Erdrick says to himself. He isn't mad or upset he's just sad and wanting to cry but no hero doesn't cry over the smallest things.

Byleth was done with the team battle her best friend Zelda they're already walking back from hanging out at Starbucks, she waves goodbye to her as she walks over to the elevator, she presses the button as the door opens and she walks inside. She presses the button that goes to the 3rd floor that her dorm with Erdrick is at, the elevator door closes as it starts to go up. It reaches to the 3rd floor the door opens as Byleth steps out of the elevator and starts walking towards the hallway passing the dorms of the other fighters in the roster, she walks by her dorm but before she could open the door she hears... sobbing.. "is Erdrick crying..?" She thought in her mind. Byleth already felt worried for her boyfriend she has to know what's up with him then she puts her hand on the doorknob as she opens the door. The door opens Erdrick stops crying as he looks up tears roll down to his cheeks still, he immediately wipes it away as he said in a shocked tone to his voice "B-Byleth? I thought you were gonna hangout with Zelda after your team battle with her?" He asks her.

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