Andy thought he was feeling bad before, but his morning couldn't hold a candle to how he felt now. For starters, it was hot. He couldn't tell if it was from the noon Sun or his own body. It was just hot. He could barely keep his head up. Andy folded his arms on the boat, using them as a pillow for his heavy aching head. His stomach still felt nauseous, like if he moved at all he would hurl. His chest hurt when he breathed. His limbs felt heavy, he wasn't sure if he could do this much longer. Part of him just wanted to curl up on the ground and lay there. Another part of him, the stubborn part, told him to stop being lazy and get back to helping his friend. He debated it in his head for a bit. Maybe he could just… keep resting his head for a bit. Stay right here and then get back to work after a few minutes.

Andy heard footsteps in the dirt behind him. Shoot, he hoped it wasn't Felix. What if he got upset that his boat wasn't fixed yet? Andy felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. It definitely wasn't Felix's, this hand had a glove, and the gentleness wasn't like his small fish friend at all. The hand gently shook him in a way that was clearly meant to get his attention without startling him. It felt more like a tap honestly. There was only one person Andy knew who did that.


Sure enough, his clock-faced friend called out to him. "Andy? Are you alright?" Andy slowly raised his head a bit. He glanced at Claus, who apon making eye contact, had an immediate change in demeanor. His face looked shocked and worried. "Why- Andy! You look terrible!" Claus put his hand on Andy's red forehead. He could feel Andy's heat through his glove. This was way hotter than any normal fever. "Andy, you have a fever! What are you doing out here on such a hot day!? You should be in bed!" Andy tiredly shook his head. "Gotta… do stuff… fixing the boat.." Andy mumbled, much weaker than he was this morning. "No. You've got to rest. Come along now." Claus helped Andy to his feet. Andy didn't put up a fight, he was too weak to object now. Andy leaned on the taller boy for support. Claus wrapped his arm around Andy to help keep him upright. The two boys began walking to Andy's house. Not too long after they began walking however, Andy shoved Claus away. Causing him to almost fall over. The clock was about to verbally reprimand his friend for using such force when he noticed Andy's doubled over form. The poor apple had started hurling, clutching his stomach. Claus, despite admittedly being disgusted by bile, returned to Andy's side. He began rubbing circles on the sick boy's back as he continued to empty his stomach on the ground. After what felt like minutes of retching, Andy stilled again, panting. Claus continued to support him. "Are you alright? Are you ready to move again?" Andy trembled and nodded, and the two continued their walk to Andy's house. Eventually they made it inside, Claus guided Andy to his bed, placing a small trash can nearby. "You should change into something more comfortable, I'll be back in a few minutes." Claus suggested, shutting Andy's bedroom door behind him. 

Claus had gathered a few things to aid Andy, medicine, water, and a damp towel to cool Andy's fever a bit. Claus knocked on the apple's bedroom door, only entering when he heard Andy's hoarse voice permit him to do so. Thankfully, Andy had changed into comfy clothes. Claus approached the side of Andy's bed and placed the damp towel across his head. Claus held the water out to Andy, as well as a pill to help lessen his symptoms. Andy took the glass with a very shaky hand, almost dropping the cup. Claus held the bottom of the cup with his fingers to help steady it and lift it to Andy's lips. After a few sips, Andy took the pill, then drank more water. It wasn't long before the cup was empty. Claus felt bad for Andy, the poor guy was clearly very dehydrated. Claus decided to refill the cup, then promptly returned to Andy's side. 

This wasn't the first time Andy had tried to work while ill or injured. There was one time Andy had broken his leg and didn't tell anyone until he couldn't walk anymore. It worried Claus to no end. There was always an underlying fear that Andy was hiding something important from him, and the fear that he'd lose Andy because of it. Looking at the apple now, he couldn't help but worry. How long had he been outside like that? Knowing Andy, probably all day. Have the others noticed? Andy was working on Felix's boat, so clearly at least the fish had seen him earlier. How could Andy agree to such a labor intensive task in such a state? What would have happened if he hadn't found Andy when he did? Would he have gotten a heat stroke? Or worse? 


The clock turned to look Andy in the eye. "Yes?" Andy had an apologetic expression, guilty, even. "I'm sorry…" Claus tilted his head. "What are you sorry for?" Claus asked genuinely. "For this.. For…" Andy paused, trying to find his words. "You shouldn't have to do this for me.. I'm not supposed to-..." Claus held Andy's hand gingerly. "Andy. I'm going to stop you right there. If it were me outside face down on the ground, obviously ill, you would have helped me, would you not?" Andy's eyes widened, he began to sit up. "I- of course I would! I-!" Claus gently pushed Andy back down. Claus stared intently into Andy's eyes, not breaking eye contact. "Then why are you not allowed to receive the same kind of help?" Andy turned away, but did not try to pull his hand from Claus's gentle grip. "It's different…" Andy mumbled. Claus used his free hand and placed it on Andy's cheek, turning him to face him again. "Andy…" Claus began, faltering slightly when he saw the apples' eyes were welling up a bit. "I'm supposed to be strong, Claus. Everyone needs me to be helpful. I have to-" Tears flowed down Andy's face. Claus's grip on the apple's hand tightened slightly. "Andy." The clock usually wasn't fond of interrupting people, but he couldn't allow Andy to keep spiraling into this idea. "Listen to me. You are strong, Andy. But shouldn't have to be all the time. You are caring and hardworking with the patience of a saint. You are always looking out for your friends. I'm sorry if me or the others ever make you feel like you aren't deserving of the same treatment. If anyone I know deserves to be cared for, it's you."

Claus used his thumb to wipe away Andy's tears, then rested his hand against the farmer's cheek again. "So let me take care of you." Andy leaned into Claus's touch, his eyes still watering. Andy nodded. Claus gave him a gentle smile. "Now, why don't I make you some soup?" Claus was about to pull away, but Andy grabbed his arm. "W-wait! Can… you just stay here for a bit?" Andy pleaded quietly. Claus smiled again, and nodded. "Of course." Andy scooted over on the bed, allowing Claus some room. Claus lied down next to Andy. The sick boy immediately cuddled up to him, still lying on his back. Claus was on his side, he rested his hand on Andy's stomach, rubbing circles to sooth him, something his own family would do for him when he was ill. Andy's eyes fluttered shut, he looked so tired. Andy's breathing, though still very congested, was slowing down. Andy mumbled a "thank you" before drifting off to sleep. Claus, too, found himself relaxing. Seeing Andy trusting him brought warmth to his heart. Claus leaned over and gave Andy a little kiss on his forehead. "Rest well, Andy. You deserve it."

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