Chapter 6: The Crocodile

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Belle paused as she thought a lot about what her teenage son just said before she sighed. "Well... Ben, I won't stand in your way if that's what you want to do, but I just want you to be careful," she soon said gently. "But I just want to give you some personal advice I used to give myself when I was around your age."

Ben then looked curious as he stayed silent so that his mother could continue her thought from there.

"No one decides your fate except for you," Belle then said as she reached out and gently stroked her son's brunette hair that matched her own. "I'm a little unsure about this villain kids program you're talking about... But... I won't stand in your way if that's really what you would want."

"Thanks, Mom," Ben said with a small smile. "Parental support was all that I wanted to hear once I came up with this idea."

Belle smiled back a little before they both then suddenly looked over as the door cracked open and they were met with a certain someone.

Rumple stumbled into the kitchen before seeing his lover and son before he nodded his head at them in greeting. "Hey."

"Hey," Belle nodded her head. "What are you doing?" she then asked.

"I was, uh, gonna make you breakfast." Rumple replied, though he seemed to make up that answer.

Ben couldn't help but feel like that was a lie due to his father's delivery in answering the question.

"No. I-In the basement," Belle clarified. "I saw you practicing magic."

"You did?" Ben asked his mother.

"Yes, I did," Belle nodded at him. "He was spinning his wheel and making gold."

"Right... Because he's Rumplestiltskin..." Ben then said with his own nod.

"Want some breakfast?" Rumple asked, trying to change the subject as he went deep into the kitchen.

"No, we need to talk about this." Belle told him as he tried to dodge her question.

Rumple sighed in response. "It was just a couple of spells. Nothing to be concerned about." he then said.

Belle firmly frowned in response. "Okay, then be honest with me. Why did you bring magic here?" she then demanded.

"I've told you. Magic is power." Rumple reminded as Ben decided to get himself some apple juice with his breakfast.

"Why do you need it? Tell me." Belle then asked.

Rumple glanced at his lover, then decided to stay silent as he got out of Ben's way in the fridge before he bowed his head down low from Belle's gaze.

"You don't need power, Rumple. You need courage... To let your family in." Belle soon said before suddenly leaving.

Rumple and Ben watched her go before they then looked back at each other.

"...I'll still have some breakfast if you'll make it?" Ben smiled sheepishly.

Rumple chuckled a little. "All right... What would you like since you're up early enough for a homemade breakfast on a school day?" he then asked.

"Homemade waffles on a school day? Score!" Ben replied.

"I'm sorry, but is that a yes?" Rumple then asked.

"Yeah, Dad. That sounds really good," Ben then nodded. "Maybe Mal would like to have some too. You remember Mal, right?" he then asked.

"Why, of course I remember your little girlfriend, Benjamin." Rumple replied with a smirk.

"We're just friends, Dad." Ben reminded before he began to blush.

The Modern Fairy Tale Town Book 2: The Price of MagicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum