001 : rainfall

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That morning the boy was in a rush to get to school. It was raining and he had left his umbrella at home. The second the bus stopped, the boy was sprinting down the sidewalk toward the school. As he turned into the school, his feet slipped and he crashed into someone.

He tumbled a bit but managed to catch himself so that he didn't fall on top of the person. The boy whirled around and quickly turned to face the girl who was hissing in pain at her scraped-up knees. Her hands and knees were bleeding and the cup of coffee she had was spilled on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, are you alright?" the boy asked.

The girl nodded before slowly pulling herself to her feet. She looked at her scratched-up hands and knees and then at her spilled coffee. "It's alright," she said as she picked up the paper cup of coffee. Despite her saying it was alright, the boy felt a bit guilty.

"Let me walk you to the nurse," he said as he picked up her umbrella that had fallen. The boy held it over her head.

The girl recognized him immediately. She had heard about him from her friends but had never seen the boy up close. As her eyes traveled from his hair all the way down to his chin, she couldn't help but agree with her friends that he was attractive. He had gentle visuals and big doe eyes that stood out even more with his wet hair.

She snapped back to reality when she realized that they had been standing in silence for a while. They held each other's gaze before the girl managed a small smile and beckoned for him to get under the umbrella with her.

"Are you sure you don't just want to use my umbrella with me?" she teased as the boy snuck under the umbrella.

He laughed nervously as they made their way inside. As the boy closed the umbrella, the bell rang when they entered and the boy cringed as he realized he would be late for class. The girl seemed to notice and took the umbrella from him.

"You can head to class," she said, "I can make it to the nurse on my own,"

The boy hesitated before ultimately shaking his head, "It's alright. After all, I'm the one who knocked you over." he took the umbrella from her hands, noticing how scratched up they were.

The girl nodded and followed the boy as he led her to the nurse. When they got there, the nurse quickly had the girl wash her hands before wrapping them in bandages. The boy stood awkwardly to the side as the nurse cleaned and bandaged the girl's knees and wrote the two a pass to their first-period class.

"Thank you for waiting for me," the girl said as they left the nurse.

"No problem," the boy held out her umbrella for her to take.

The girl took back her umbrella and the two fell into silence. A moment later, the girl was jolted back to reality when she saw the boy holding his phone out to her. She stared at the phone before looking up at him in confusion.

"Uh, I owe you a coffee," the boy said. "Since I knocked it out of your hand earlier. I wanted your number so that I could treat you some time."

The girl nodded and punched her number into his phone.

"Um, what's your name?" the boy asked.

"Lee Bomi,"

The boy typed her name into his phone before sending her a text. The girl looked down at her phone to see a new number pop up.

"My name is Kang Taehyun,"

The girl smiled and thanked him before the two hurried off to their classes. As she rushed down the hallway, the girl created a new contact for the number on her phone. A smile played on her lips as she whispered his name to herself.

"Kang Taehyun,"

before spring is gone | k.thWhere stories live. Discover now